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Oil of Combustion
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Oil of Combustion is a Consumable(Coating). It can be applied to a weapon to give it special properties for ten turns or thrown as a Grenade to inflict its effects in an area.
'Look, it's perfectly simple. You just coat the person in the oil, like so. Then you strike a match, like s- oh bugger.' - Bufort Iggles, The Unfortunate
- Single Use
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 0.1 kg / 0.2 lb
- Price: 30 gp
Bonus action Coat your active weapon with oil.
Condition: Coated in Oil of Combustion
Duration: 10 turns
- Coated in flammable oil.
- On a hit, the target is doused in oil for 2 turns. If it takes Fire damage, the oil immolates, dealing 3d6Fire damage in an area around it.
Condition: Oil of Combustion
Duration: 2 turns
- If the affected entity takes Fire damage, it deals 3d6Fire in AoE: 3 m / 10 ft (Radius) area.
Where to find
- Crafted via Alchemy by combining Ashes of Mephit Magma (procured from Heart-Shaped Rock) and any Essence
- Condition: Oil of Combustion ends after taking fire damage.
- Weapon attacks can apply and ignite Oil of Combustion if they also inflict Fire damage. Known ways to add Fire damage to any weapon (non-exhaustive):
- Flawed Helldusk Gloves
- Helldusk Gloves
- Drakethroat Glaive (can imbue another weapon)
- The name of the ingredient needed for alchemy creation differs from the extract created.