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Charge-Bound Warhammer

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Charge-Bound Warhammer image

Charge-Bound Warhammer is a rare, +1 Warhammer with +1 bonus to damage and Attack Rolls, and deals additional 1d6Damage TypesLightning damage as long as it is bound to an Eldritch Knight or Warlock Pact Weapon.

Description Icon.png

Energy crackles in weird and wonderful patterns across your hand as you wield this bound weapon, as if your very veins were marbled like a cloud of blue-white lightning.


One-handed damage
D8 Bludgeoning.png 1d8 + 1 (2~9) + Strength modifier Damage TypesBludgeoning
Two-handed damage
D10 Bludgeoning.png 1d10 + 1 (2~11) + Strength modifier Damage TypesBludgeoning
Warhammers Warhammers
Rarity: Rare
Enchantment: + 1
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft
 Weight: 2.7 kg / 5.4 lb
Price: 310 gp
UID MAG_Bonded_Shocking_Warhammer
UUID 50940e05-ba59-4569-a71f-79af34b605a8


The holder of this item gains:

  • This hammer's magical powers only function if it's Bound to an Eldritch Knight or is a Warlock's Pact Weapon. These effects are in addition to the weapon's +1 enchantment.
Favoured Weapon
This weapon has a +1 bonus to damage and Attack rolls.
Shocking Bound
This weapon deals an additional 1d6Damage TypesLightning damage.

Weapon actions

Proficiency Icon.png If you have proficiency, equip in main hand to gain:

Backbreaker Backbreaker ()

Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone Prone.

Concussive Smash Concussive Smash ()

Hit an enemy with all your might to deal damage and possibly Daze Daze them.

Weakening Strike Weakening Strike ()

Target an enemy's hands with a non-lethal attack and possibly inflict Weak Grip Weak Grip.

Where to find


  • If this weapon is bound by an Eldritch Knight or Pact of the Blade Warlock, the weapon will retain its Favoured Weapon passive until the next long rest even if the character binds another weapon. The weapon will even retain this passive if the weapon is used by another character, different from the one who bound it.
  • If this weapon is bound by an Eldritch Knight or Pact of the Blade Warlock, this weapon will permanently retain the lightning damage bonus from Shocking Bound even if the character binds another weapon. The weapon will even retain this passive if the weapon is used by another character, different from the one who bound it.