
From Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki
Revision as of 04:38, 20 June 2024 by Ankoria (talk | contribs) (Added e hp and t hp)

Investigator Valeria is a Hollyphant who can be found in the Open Hand Temple.


Valeria is investigating a series of murders happening in Baldur's Gate. After her introduction, she can be found at Sharess' CaressX: 24 Y: 93 getting drunk. Later on Valeria will be kidnapped by members of the Cult of Bhaal. The party can find her at the Murder Tribunal. There the party can rescue Valeria or sacrifice her to Bhaal. If Valeria is saved she will be recruited for Gather Your Allies.

Related quests

Notable loot

Related Literature


Another case closed, another bottle open! Huzzah to Valeri-AH!


External links

Valeria on the Forgotten Realms Wiki Hollyphant on the Forgotten Realms Wiki