Bodies or objects that can't be looted or picked up because they have landed in chasms can sometimes be retrieved using telekinesis.
If the target fails its initial save, you don't get the extra, spell-slot-free casts from the spell.
Telekenesis is considered a "granted" condition not unlike that of a "granted" spell. Granted spells are issued to the caster after using the original, and can be recast without spending another spell slot as long as Concentration is not broken. This condition is not directly tied to the casters' repertoire of known spells (i.e., their spellbook icon in the game). Therefore, if a granted spell (or, in this case, a granted condition) is used when multiclassing, subsequent re-uses (in this case, Telekenesis) use the spellcasting modifier of the most recently acquired spellcasting class rather than the spellcasting modifier that was used for the initial casting of Telekenesis. In the case of this condition, it may result in an unexpectedly low spell save DC.