“Why does everything have to revolve around Oskar Fevras?„
Act Three
Once the party destroys the cursed portrait in the atelier in Lady Jannath's Estate during , Kerri appears and rushes downstairs to confront Oskar Fevras and {{CharLink|Jannath|Lady Jannath}0. She is enraged at Oskar and wants to drag him back to the afterlife with her but can be prevented from doing so either through combat, a DC 15 Persuasion check, or a
DC 15 Intimidation check. On a failed roll, she'll attack the party with two Vengeful Souls and two Tormented Souls.
If the party chose to persuade or intimidate her instead of fight, then she becomes confused and starts to wonder why she is here in the first place. Oskar desires to know why she committed suicide and the party can either choose to let her leave without explaining or pass a DC 15 Persuasion check, an Intimidation check, or Deception check to explain. If the check is passed successfully, Kerri reveals that she always just saw Oskar as a fling, nothing more. She killed herself out of depression rather than heartbreak, and is disgusted that Oskar dragged her all the way back to the land of the living because of his own vain assumption that her death was his fault. Kerri then leaves for the afterlife, happy to rest in peace at last.