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“Hells' hallows - the ceremony's gone on for days, seems like.„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Lord Amber's Bodyguard can be found at the mess hall, at the first floor of the Wyrm's Rock Fortress. He came with his master, Lord Petric Amber, and while waiting for his lord to descend from Audience Hall, spends time chatting with retinue members of other patriars.
First time spoken to, he is discussing the Steel Watch with Lord Shattershield's Attendant and Lady Durinbold's Attendant, and the trio will ask the party's opinion on these automatons. He will doubt other two's surety in usefulness of the constructs, expressing the feel of uneasiness he gains when being close to them.
If spoken to afterwards, he complains that the ceremony is still going on, like it's been going several days in a row.
If confronting Gortash, Lord Amber's Bodyguard can be found along with all other invited guests and their retinue slaughtered in the Audience hall.