Cloud of Daggers is a level 2 conjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to conjure a barrage of daggers in an area that deals Slashing damage to any creature entering or starting its turn in the area.
Slashing damage for each spell slot level above 2nd.
Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that attack anyone inside.Properties
At higher levels
Upcasting: Casting this spell at a higher level deals an extra 2d4
Technical details

Area: Cloud of Daggers

Duration: 10 turns
AoE: 2 m / 7 ft (Radius)
Type: Summoned
Condition: Cloud of Daggers
How to learn
- Class level 3: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard
- Class level 8: Arcane Trickster, and Eldritch Knight
- The damage dealt is not subject to Saving throws.
- The damage dealt will not fulfill as Cloud of Daggers, being a summon, is the source of the damage and not the caster.