Condition |
Effects |
Coated in Arsonist's Oil
Coated in Basic Poison
Coated in Brewed-up Bellyglummer
Coated in Crawler Mucus
Coated in Diluted Oil of Sharpness
- The arcane oil coating this weapon grants it a +1 bonus to Damage and
Attack rolls. The weapon has become magical, so it can damage creatures that are immune to non-magical attacks.
Coated in Drow Poison
Coated in Malice
Coated in Oil of Bane
Coated in Oil of Combustion
- Coated in flammable oil.
- On a hit, the target is doused in oil for 2 turns. If it takes
Fire damage, the oil immolates, dealing 3d6 Fire damage in an area around it.
Coated in Oil of Diminution
Coated in Oil of Freezing
Coated in Purple Worm Toxin
Coated in Serpent Venom Toxin
Coated in Toxin
Coated in Wizardsbane Oil
Coated in Wyvern Toxin
Dipped in Poison
- Weapon deals additional 1d4
Poison damage.