Books are readable items in Baldur's Gate 3. Reading them might start or update Quests or trigger a cutscene. Most of them provide world or character lore.
List of Books
Story Item
Flora of the Dalelands
Flumph Mating Rituals
Hide-bound Journal
- File:Book NecromancyofThayUnsocketed.png Necromancy of Thay
The Great Furnace of Grymforge
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png A Brush with Evil: On Hags
A is for Azuth and other Gods II
A is for Azuth, and other Gods VI
A is for Azuth, and other Gods VII
A is for Azuth, and other Gods XI
A Primer on Mythical Beasts
A Traveller's Guide to Baldur's Gate
Blood-smeared Logbook
Book Draft - Volume III
- File:Book WizardyFancyA.png Book of Dead Gods
Book of Final Breath
Chapel Records
Dark Journal
Death & Divinity: A Godly Guide
Discarded Jorunal
Disintegrating Journal
Disorders of the Nerves and Mind: A Treatise
Druid's Ledger
Druid Notebook
Elder's Journal
Fables of Faerûn I: The Dimwitted Drow
Fables of Faerûn II: The Daring Duergar
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png Fables of Faerûn III: The Enticing Elder
Fables of Faerûn IV: The Cheerful Deep Gnome
Fables of Faerûn V: The Boy and the Beholder
Faded Logbook (Log 124)
Faded Logbook (Log 182)
Faldorn's Canticle: The Shadow Druid's Doctrine
Folksongs of Faerûn
Forge Construction Log
Fringe Philosophy, Vol. V
Front and Centre: A Thespian's Memoir
Halsin's Journal, Vol I
Harper's Notebook
Healer's Log
Highcliff's Journal
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png Inscrutable Journal
Jake's Encyclopedia of Eels
Journey Through The Jungle
Lessons for Sensible Living IV: Cities and How to Survive Them
Logbook XII: 1371
Magic of the Weave - An Introduction
Magmar's Record
Meticulous Notes
Missives of Candlekeep
Mistress of the Night and Friends
Moonhaven Logbook
Notes from a Soothsayer
Old Schoolbook
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png On Death & Resurrection
On Educating the Faithful
On Illithids, Volume XXVI
On Receiving Her Grace
On the Origins of the Zhentarim
One Foot, Two Feet, Well Met, We'll Meet
Oral Histories of Faerûn: Gith and Mind Flayers
Oral Histories of Faerûn: The Spellplague
Priestess' Journal
Secret Societies of the Sword Coast: Exposed
Shanties for the Bitch Queen
Sharran's Journal
Soul Coin: A Treatise
Study of the Sword Coast
Talis: Divination Without Magic
Tattered Notes
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png The Annals of Baldur's Gate
The Approachable East, Vol. 2
The Approachable East, Vol. 4
The Approachable East, Vol. 6
The Collectanea Rubrum
The Curse of the Vampyr
The Devil You Know: An Autobiography
The Diary of Lump the Enlightened
The Evil Eye
The Genesis of Selûne and Shar
The Guild: Hidden Rulers of Baldur's Gate
The Illustrated Adventures of Balduran
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png The Lord of Murder's Songbook
The Lords of Madness, Vol 4: Yeenoghu
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png The Mortal View: Eyewitness Accounts of the Bhaalspawn Crisis
The Realm According to Bumpo
The Roads to Darkness
The Shattered Seldarine
The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. I
The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. 2
The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. 3
- File:Book WizardyGenericA.png The Unclaimed
The War between Selûne and Shar
The Wonders of Phandalin
Tollhouse Ledger
Traveller's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol. IV: The Risen Road
Traveller's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol IX: Inns and Guesthouses
Volo's Complete Guide to the Behaviour of Nymphs
Volo's Guide to Spirits and Spectres
in progress