Brace (Melee)

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Revision as of 20:49, 3 March 2024 by (talk) (Use die instead of dice)

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Brace (Melee) is a weapon action available to characters proficient in and wielding a glaive, or pike in their main hand.


Spend 6 m / 20 ft (ERROR: Distance not in metric!) of your movement. For the rest of your turn, roll melee damage twice and use the highest result.


(ERROR: Use movement m or movement ft.)Movement
Duration: 1 turn
Recharge: Short rest

Condition: Braced

Braced Braced

Duration: 1 turn

  • On Damage Rolls, roll twice and use the higher result.

How to learn

(Information not yet added.)


  • The average bonus damage dealt per die is equivalent to taking the Savage Attacker feat.
  • When used with Savage Attacker, it will roll each dice 4 times and use the highest result


Average bonus damage of Brace

Average bonus damage per die rolled
Damage die Average bonus damage Average damage roll
1d4 0.63 3.13
1d6 0.97 4.47
1d8 1.31 5.81
1d10 1.65 7.15
1d12 1.99 8.49
2d6 1.94 8.94

Average bonus damage of Brace and Savage Attacker

Average bonus damage per die rolled
Damage die Average bonus damage Average damage roll Avg bonus damage difference from Savage Attacker alone
1d4 1.12 3.62 0.50
1d6 1.74 5.24 0.77
1d8 2.36 6.86 1.05
1d10 2.97 8.47 1.32
1d12 3.57 10.07 1.58
2d6 3.48 10.48 1.54