Ffion Goldgrind is a Dwarf NPC found in Wyrm's Crossing in Act Three.
A dominatrix of renown, Ffion went missing and the party is tasked with finding her in
Ffion will always be , her corpse hidden underneath the bed in the secret room of Fraygo's Flophouse's attic. Finding her body requires inspecting the blood on the ground and passing a DC 10 Investigation check.
Reading the literature found throughout the room reveals her death to be closely related to the
and .Notable Loot
Ffion's Key - Unlocks her belongings chest downstairs in the Flophouse
To the Best of Wives and Mothers
Related Quests
Related literature
Speak with Dead
can be used to communicate with the murdered Ffion:
- Who are you? Ffion Goldgrind...
- What is this place? Landlord...contraband storage...
- How did you die? Murdered...by my son...
- What were you doing when you died? Seeking...answers...
- What answers did you seek? My boy...had a secret...evil secret...
- Who is your son? Dolor...
- Why did your son kill you? Found... His secret... My sweet boy... Why...
- What was your son's secret? Killed...folk...slowly...he liked it...
- Who has your son killed? Me...and...and...*The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*
- Who was your son's next target? Ilmater temple...Didn't see...exactly who...
- Where can I find your son? *The corpse remains silent. It does not know.*
- What does your son look like? Dwarf...Like me...Dresses in...red...
- Did your son kill you? Yes...grinned...whole time...