Hex is a level 1 enchantment spell. This spell allows spellcasters to put a curse on a creature and deal additional Necrotic damage to the targeted creature. The curse also imposes Disadvantage on a chosen ability check.
Make your attacks deal an additional 1d6Necrotic damage damage [sic] to the target and give it
Disadvantage on Checks on an Ability of your choosing.
If the target dies before the spell ends, you can to a new creature without expending a Spell Slot.
- Cost
Bonus action +
Level 1 Spell Slot
- Details
Range: 18 m / 60 ft
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
How to learn
- Class Level 1: Warlock
- Class Level 6: College of Lore (via Magical Secrets)
- Class Level 10: Bard (via Magical Secrets)
- If the target dies before spell's duration ends, gain
- Hex damage is applied multiple times for multiple successful
Attack rolls. Example scenarios:
- Warlock hits the target with a melee or ranged weapon attack: additional 1d6
- Level 1 Warlock casts and hits the target: additional 1d6
- Level 5 Warlock casts and hits the target with both rays: additional 2d6
Necrotic, for hitting twice.
- Level 3 Warlock casts and hits the target with all three rays: additional 3d6
Necrotic, for hitting three times.
- Level 5 Warlock casts and hits the target with all four rays: additional 4d6
Necrotic, for hitting four times.
- Warlock hits the target with a melee or ranged weapon attack: additional 1d6
- Hex is only triggered by hitting the target with a successful Attack Roll, and not by other sources of damage. Example scenarios:
- Warlock casts (which does not require Attack Rolls): no additional damage from Hex.
- Warlock casts (which is a Saving Throw, not an Attack Roll): no additional damage from Hex.
- Clarification: The in-game description says it grants 'Disadvantage on an Ability of your choosing', but it only applies to Checks, not all rolls utilising that Ability: the target still rolls normally on Saving Throws and Attack rolls.
- In Early Access Patch 9, there was a bugged interaction between Hex and the Eldritch Invocation , which caused Agonising Blast bonus damage to be applied an extra time for each instance of Hex damage.
- In the case of a level 5 Warlock with two Eldritch Blast beams, this means Agonising Blast damage would be applied a total of 4 times, if both beams hit: once for each beam, and once for each instance of Hex damage.
- Hex has two incantations: Te Exsecro, Latin for "I curse you", and Maledictus, Latin for "speak ill of/abuse".
External links
Hex on the Forgotten Realms Wiki