Not far into the Sanctum, you'll be quickly questioned by Trinzas for intruding, requiring certain skill checks or starting a fight to go any further:
- If you freed Sazza as part of her quest, she will vouch for you, avoiding any fights.
- Illithid Persuasion
DC 2 Wisdom check.
DC 15 Deception check. "I've got an audience with the one in charge."
DC 15 Intimidation check. "You don't need to know about my business. Move."
Detect Thoughts
DC 9 Intelligence check. "I'm here to see the True Souls. Do you want to keep them waiting?"
If you fail at any of the checks you will be turned away, leaving only stealth and violence as the way forward. If successful, the party will be allowed in and be rewarded 120 Experience as if you beat all the goblins in the entrance hall.