Goblin Warrior

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Goblin Warriors are a generic Goblin NPCs and enemies found throughout Act One. The frontline heavy hitters armed of the goblins, they are usually armed with two-handed weapons and tougher than most of their kind. Even so, they are relatively weak foes even to a low level party.

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Main Hand Attack.webp

Uses Greataxe

Action Attack roll: +3

D12 Slashing.png 1d12 + 1 (2~13) Damage TypesSlashing damage
Menacing Attack Melee.webp

Possibly Frightened Frightens your target. They'll have Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack Rolls and they cannot move.

Frightened Frightened 2 Turns

Attack roll + 3

D12 Slashing.png 1d12 + 1 (2~13) Damage TypesSlashing damage
D8 Slashing.png 1d8 (1~8) Damage TypesSlashing damage

Recharge: Per battle

DC Wisdom saving throw

Throw Stone.webp


Attack roll: +3
D4 Bludgeoning.png 1d4 + 1 (2~5) Damage TypesBludgeoning damage

 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

Named warriors[edit | edit source]