“((*flesh-talker. I show you a memory. watch and listen*))„
Overview[edit | edit source]
Sovereign Spaw's colony was attacked by duergar slavers who were trying to recapture Thulla, a runaway deep gnome slave the Myconids were giving safe harbour to. They were able to repel the deep dwarves, but sought help to finish off the invaders.
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Act One[edit | edit source]
Spaw telepathically engages the party from afar when they pass through Rapport Spores for the first time. Spaw explains using imagery that duergar invaders have been killing their young, and then threatens the party with images of strangulation.
The party must convince Spaw they come in peace to enter the Ebonlake Grotto:
- [PERSUASION] Conjure tranquil memories in hopes of calming the sovereign. (DC 5)
- [GITHYANKI] [INTIMIDATION] Utter a githyanki war cry. Did you truly wish to risk battle with me? (DC 10)
- [INTIMIDAITON] Do you truly wish to do battle with a great warrior? (DC 10)
- [DUERGAR] [PERSUASION] Kneel in submission. I am not of the killers' clan. (DC 10)
- [PERSUASION] Kneel in submission. I mean no harm to you. (DC 10)
- [BARD] Hum a peaceful tune in harmony with the sovereign.
- [UNDERDARK] The Underdark is my home. I do not need your permission to be here.
- [PERSUASION] I am a traveller seeking adventure.
- [INTIMIDATION] My purpose is private. Let me pass, and I will leave you unharmed.
When they come face-to-fungi in the Ebonlake Grotto, Spaw asks the party to slay the duergar that threaten its colony.
If the party slay the duergar, or a bard convinces Spaw to believe they are already dead ( DC 20 Deception check) Spaw goes further and requests Nere's head, ending the Absolute's push through the Underdark. If the party complete this quest, Spaw transforms the dead drow's head into a
Blooming Drow Head and celebrates with a little dance.
Glut[edit | edit source]
The party can turn on Spaw as part of
. Attempting to coup Spaw turns the entire colony hostile against Glut and the party, but this battle can be ended prematurely by focusing on Spaw alone. Once Spaw is dead, the rest of the colony turns neutral again as they immediately accept Glut as a new sovereign.Combat[edit | edit source]
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Loot[edit | edit source]
Related quests[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- The tooltip of Spaw's animating spores mentions that it can only be used on one target at a time; however, Spaw can use it each turn as long as there are valid targets.
- When Spaw initially greets the party telepathically, it commands them to "descend" to it, despite the party needing to climb up a large series of mushroom "steps" to get to it.
External links[edit | edit source]
Spaw on the Forgotten Realms Wiki