War Domain is one of the Subclasses of Cleric. These Clerics are more specialized in striking with weapons, dealing physical damage.
Player selectable Deities associated with this domain: Bahamut, Corellon Larethian, Gruumsh, Lolth, Tempus, and Tyr.
Subclass features[edit | edit source]
This subclass obtains all the features from its base class, Cleric, in addition to its unique features outlined below.
Level 1
- Gain Proficiency
- Gain
Martial weapons Proficiency
War Priest Charges: 3
- Resource that allows the cleric to make extra attacks with a bonus action.
Recharge: Long rest
- When you make an unarmed or weapon attack, you can spend a
War Priest Charge to make an additional attack as a
Bonus action.
- Domain Spells
- You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 2
(- Gain a +10 bonus to your
Attack roll.
Level 3
- Domain Spells
- You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 5
War Priest Charges: 4
- Gain an additional charge
- Domain Spells
- You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 6
(- Endow a nearby ally with the glory of your god to grant them a +10 bonus to their
Attack roll.
Level 7
- Domain Spells
- You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 8
War Priest Charges: 5
- Gain an additional charge
Level 9
- Domain Spells
- You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 11
War Priest Charges: 6
- Gain an additional charge
External links[edit | edit source]
War domain on the Forgotten Realms Wiki