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Spiritual Weapon

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This article is about the base spell. For other uses, see Spiritual Weapon (disambiguation).
Spiritual Weapon Halberd.webp
Spiritual Weapon is a level 2 evocation spell. Summons a floating weapon that can attack enemies. You can choose between several different weapons, and each has a different weapon action.


Summon a floating, spectral weapon that attacks your enemies alongside you.


Bonus action +  Level 2 Spell Slot
Damage: 2~9 + modifiers
 Range: 18 m / 60 ft

At higher levels

Upcasting: For every 2 spell slot levels higher than 2nd, the weapon gains HP Icon.png 8 hit points and deals an additional 1d8Damage TypesForce damage.


How to learn


Granted by items:


  • The summoned weapon rolls its own initiative (with a +0 bonus) and acts on its own turn rather than the summoner's turn.
  • The weapon is Ethereal, Immune to Damage TypesPsychic and Damage TypesPoison damage, and Resistant to all other Damage Types.
  • Each spiritual weapon lasts for 10 turns, and only one Spiritual Weapon may be summoned at any time.
  • The caster's spellcasting modifier is added to both the damage and attack rolls of the summoned Spiritual Weapon.
  • The summoned weapon also gets the caster's proficiency bonus added to its Attack rolls.
  • On the other hand, the weapon action DC of the summoned weapon (used for example by Spiritual Weapon: Spear Spiritual Weapon: Spear to inflict Gaping Wounds Gaping Wounds with Piercing Strike Piercing Strike) is fixed to 12 and does not benefit from the caster's spellcasting modifier.
  • The greataxe, greatsword, and halberd variants of Spiritual Weapon are functionally identical. The spear and trident variants are also functionally identical.
  • Spiritual Weapons cannot make opportunity attacks.
  • The incantation for Spiritual Weapon is Ex Textura, Latin for "from the weave".

External links[edit | edit source]