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Hide is a common Action that allows the user to conceal their location.


Try to conceal yourself.

Hiding depends on your Stealth and whether you are Obscured. Attacking or casting spells reveals your location.


 Range: Self

Condition: Hiding

Hiding Hiding
  • Affected entity is invisible to enemies until it crosses their cone of sight.
  • The entity has Advantage Icon.png Advantage on all Attack rolls.


  • In Early Access patch 9, Hide was a Bonus Action, but it was changed to an Action in the full release of the game. However, the Way of Shadow Monk subclass, the Gloom Stalker Ranger subclass, and the Rogue are still able to Hide as a Bonus Action via (sub-)class features.
  • Using the Hide ability while standing nearby and within line of sight of any creature (aside from party members and minions) causes the Hide attempt to immediately fail with no roll.
  • While hidden, if a creature enters line of sight of an enemy creature, they must immediately roll a Stealth check against the enemy creature's Passive Perception.
  • Lines of sight ('vision cones') of nearby enemies and other NPCs can be viewed by holding the Show Sneak Cones key (Default hotkey: Left Shift).
    • Lines of sight can be manipulated to create an opening for a pickpocketing or ambush attempt by creating a distraction, such as casting the Minor Illusion Minor Illusion cantrip.
  • Hiding inside a Fog Cloud Fog Cloud is an automatic success as the sight cones of enemies do not reach inside. This also makes up for the blind debuff as enemies cannot target you from outside the cloud if you're hiding.