Ffion Goldgrind is a Dwarf NPC found in Wyrm's Crossing in Act Three.
A dominatrix of renown, Ffion went missing and the party is tasked with finding her in
Ffion will always be , her corpse hidden underneath the bed in the secret room of Fraygo's Flophouse's attic. Finding her body requires inspecting the blood on the ground and passing a DC 10 Investigation check.
Reading the literature found throughout the room reveals her death to be closely related to the Dolor, who is a a Cultist of Bhaal aiming to become an Unholy Assassin.
and . She was murdered by her own son,Notable Loot
Ffion's Key - Unlocks her belongings chest downstairs in the Flophouse
To the Best of Wives and Mothers
Related Quests
Related literature
Speak with Dead
- Ffion Goldgrind: Ffion Goldgrind...
Party Member: What is this place?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Landlord...contraband storage...
Party member: How did you die?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Murdered...by my son...
Party member: What were you doing when you died?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Seeking...answers...
Party member: What answers did you seek?
- Ffion Goldgrind: My boy...had a secret...evil secret...
Party member: Who is your son?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Dolor...
Party member: Why did your son kill you?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Found... His secret... My sweet boy... Why...
Party member: What was your son's secret?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Killed...folk...slowly...he liked it...
Party member: Who has your son killed?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Me...and...and...
- The corpse remains silent. It does not know.
Party member: Who was your son's next target?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Ilmater temple...Didn't see...exactly who...
Party member: Where can I find your son?
- The corpse remains silent. It does not know.
Party member: What does your son look like?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Dwarf...Like me...Dresses in...red...
Party member: Did your son kill you?
- Ffion Goldgrind: Yes...grinned...whole time...