'''Fog Cloud''' is a [[Spells#1st Level Spells|Level 1]] Conjuration Spell. This spell allows spellcasters to summon a sphere of fog on an area in range and heavily obscure the area. Creatures within the area are Blinded.
| name = Fog Cloud
| image = Fog Cloud.webp
| level = 1
| school = Conjuration
| classes = Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
| class learns at level 1 = Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Tempest Domain:Domain Spell, Draconic Bloodline:Bronze/Lightning Ancestry
| class learns at level 2 = Ranger
| class learns at level 3 = Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight
| summary = It allows spellcasters to summon a sphere of fog on an area in range and heavily obscure the area. Creatures within the area are Blinded.
| description = Create a cloud of dense fog to {{Cond|Heavily Obscured|Heavily Obscure}} and {{Cond|Blinded|Blind}} creatures within.
| cost = action, spell1
| concentration = yes
| range = ranged
| range m = 18
| range ft = 60
| aoe = radius
| aoe m = 5
| aoe ft = 15
| area = Fog
| area range m = 5
| area range ft = 15
| area duration = 10
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: When this spell is cast at 2nd level or higher, its area of effect increases by {{C|2 m / 7 ft}} for each [[Spells#Spell slots|spell slot level]] above 1st.
| granted by items = Hammergrim Mist Amulet
| notes = The incantation for Fog Cloud is '''Voco Nubes''', Latin for "I call/summon smoke".
| title = <div style="font-size:105%; font-family:Georgia;">''"Create a cloud of dense fog to Heavily Obscure and Blind creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of the fog."''</div>
* Ranged attacks and spells have a range of {{C|4.5m / 15ft}} and [[Attack Rolls]] suffer [[Disadvantage]].
* Attacks Rolls against Blinded creatures have [[Advantage]].
Revision as of 07:24, 4 May 2024
Fog Cloud is a level 1 conjuration spell. It allows spellcasters to summon a sphere of fog on an area in range and heavily obscure the area. Creatures within the area are Blinded.