| summary = This spell allows spellcasters to conjure a squall to clear dangerous gasses or throw creatures back, potentially causing a dangerous fall.
| learns at level = Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Tempest Cleric
| description = Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds. Any creatures caught in the gale who fail a [[Strength]] {{SavingThrow}} will be pushed back {{dist|m=5}} and be thrown {{Cond|Off Balance}}.
| learns at level 3 = Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard and Tempest Cleric
| cost = action, spell2
| summary = It is used to clear dangerous gasses and throwing creatures back, potentially causing a dangerous fall.
| save = STR
| description = Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds and pushes creatures back 17ft forcing them {{Condition | Off Balance}} if they fail a [[Strength]] roll.
| save dc = caster
| action type = action
| range = self
| range m = 6
| aoe = Line
| range ft = 40
| aoe m = 12
| condition = Off Balance
| condition = Off Balance
| condition duration = 1
| condition duration = 1
|notes=This spell is automatically given to the Storm Sorcerer at level 6}}
| classes = Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
| class learns at level 3 = Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Tempest Domain:Domain Spell
| class learns at level 6 = Storm Sorcery:Storm Spell
| class learns at level 7 = Eldritch Knight
| class learns at level 8 = Arcane Trickster
| granted by items = Amulet of Windrider:Short Rest
| notes =
* A successful {{SavingThrow}} means that a creature is neither pushed back, nor goes {{Cond|Off Balance}}
Gust of Wind is a level 2 evocation spell. This spell allows spellcasters to conjure a squall to clear dangerous gasses or throw creatures back, potentially causing a dangerous fall.
Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds. Any creatures caught in the gale who fail a StrengthSaving throw will be pushed back 5 m / 17 ft and be thrown Off Balance.