{{ up to date | 2023-08-20 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->
{{hatnote|For the equivalent [[Way of the Four Elements]] Monk spell, see {{SAI|Mist Stance}}.}}
{{Feature page
| type = spell
| name = Gaseous Form
| uid = Target_GaseousForm
| image = Gaseous Form Icon.png
| level = 3
| level = 3
| school = Transmutation
| school = Transmutation
| ritual =
| summary = This spell allows spellcasters to transform themselves or an ally into a cloud of mist to avoid attacks, reduce size, and gain Advantage on some Saving Throws.
| classes = Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Circle of the Spores
| class learns at level 5 = Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Circle of the Spores
| class learns at level 2 =
| races =
| race learns at level 1 =
| race learns at level 2 =
| summary = This spell allows spellcasters to transform themselves or an ally into a cloud of mist to avoid attacks, reduce size, and gain Advantage on some Saving Throws.
| description = Transform yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud. It can't fall, and fits through small openings. It is very hard to damage.
| description = Transform yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud. It can't fall, and fits through small openings. It is very hard to damage.
| extra description = The cloud has {{Advantage}} on [[Constitution]], [[Dexterity]], and [[Strength]] {{SavingThrow}}s.
The cloud has {{Advantage}} on [[Constitution]], [[Dexterity]], and [[Strength]] {{SavingThrow}}s.
| warning = {{Prereq|While transformed, the target won't be able to attack{{notes}}, cast spells, or talk.}}
| cost = action, spell3
{{SmallIcon|Prerequisite Icon.png}} While transformed, the target won't be able to attack, cast spells, or talk.
| class learns at level 5 = Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Circle of the Spores:Circle Spell, Circle of the Land:Underdark
| area category =
| class learns at level 6 = College of Lore:via [[Magical Secrets]]
| area shape =
| class learns at level 10 = Bard:via [[Magical Secrets]]
| area range m =
| notes =
| area range ft =
* The description "fits through small openings" includes traveling to different regions by going through small openings (pipes, animal burrows, cat holes, etc.), but also includes moving through 'walls' with openings in them like prison bars and gates.
| area duration =
* As a cloud of mist, you also gain the ability to fly.
| area turn start damage =
* Contrary to the tooltip, unarmed attacks can be made without losing the form. This deals only the base unarmed damage and may go undetected depending on a Stealth check.
| area turn start damage type =
| area turn start damage save =
| area turn start damage save effect =
| area turn end damage =
| area turn end damage type =
| area turn end damage save =
| area turn end damage save effect =
| area condition =
| area condition 2 =
| area condition 3 =
| area condition 4 =
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: Casting this spell at a higher level doesn't grant any additional benefits.
| variants =
| notes = * {{Class|Circle of the Land}}s who choose the Underdark Land at level 5 learn this spell automatically.
Gaseous Form is a level 3 transmutation spell. This spell allows spellcasters to transform themselves or an ally into a cloud of mist to avoid attacks, reduce size, and gain Advantage on some Saving Throws.
Transform yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud. It can't fall, and fits through small openings. It is very hard to damage.
The description "fits through small openings" includes traveling to different regions by going through small openings (pipes, animal burrows, cat holes, etc.), but also includes moving through 'walls' with openings in them like prison bars and gates.
As a cloud of mist, you also gain the ability to fly.
Contrary to the tooltip, unarmed attacks can be made without losing the form. This deals only the base unarmed damage and may go undetected depending on a Stealth check.