Soul Coins are small, coin-shaped objects forged of infernal iron into which a single mortal soul has been bound. They are used as currency in the Nine Hells and can power infernal engines such as the one in Karlach's chest.
Karlach can consume soul coins to obtain Infernal Fury until the next long rest.
A total of 20 Soul Coins are scattered across all three Acts of Baldur's Gate 3.

Strange, incomprehensible whispers emanate from this coin, pervading your mind with rage and despair.
Miscellaneous Items
Single Use
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.01 kg / 0.02 lb
Price: 100 gp
Condition: Infernal Fury
Duration: Until Long rest
- The hatred and pain of a captured soul fuels Karlach's infernal machine.
- Her weapon and unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4
Fire damage when she is or when her Hit Points drop below 25%.
Where to find
Act I
- In a sarcophagus in the trapped room of the Dank Crypt X: -304 Y: -323.
- In a sarcophagus next to the Book of Dead Gods within the Dank Crypt X: -324 Y: -274.
- In the sarcophagus that Withers emerges from in the Dank Crypt X: -290 Y: -235.
- Carried by Nadira at the top of a hill in the Druid Grove. The coin can be looted or she can offer it after saving her from a Bugbear assassin and passing a Persuasion or Intimidation check.
- On the balcony of the Toll House at The Risen Road.
Act II
- On a table behind a secret wall in Reithwin Tollhouse basement X: 301 Y: -715.
- Three can be purchased from Lann Tarv, the bugbear merchant in the main hall of Moonrise Towers. If Karlach is present they may be obtained without spending money if you listen to the stories behind each of the three souls.
- One can be found in the mailbox outside Peartree's house, Lower City X: 32 Y: -96.
- Two can be found inside Peartree's Basement in Act 3, in a "Strongbox" on the wall.
- Five can be looted from inside Raphael's safe at the Boudoir in the House of Hope.
- One can be found in Philgrave's Mansion inside Viscera.
- One can be found in the immediate Rustic Chest atop the stairs in Nortale's Hostel, Lower City X: 90 Y: -56.
- As of Patch 2, Karlach deals two extra instances of 1d4
Fire damage (for a total of 2d4) when making an Unarmed Strike with the Infernal Fury buff active. She deals this extra damage regardless of her class, raging status, and current hit points.
External links
Soul coin on the Forgotten Realms Wiki