Rule Changes | Race Changes | Class Changes | Spell Changes | Feat Changes |
This page and related pages summarize rule changes from the implementation of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e) rules to Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3).
The rule changes described on this page and related pages are written with the assumption the reader understands the relevant D&D 5e rule. These pages will not explain what the D&D 5e rule is, only what the changed or altered BG3 rule is. These pages also include many BG3 features and abilities that are unchanged from D&D 5e to help a D&D 5e player quickly see which options have changed and which have not, and make decisions without having to do additional research. If the BG3 rule aligns with a OneD&D rule or other playtest material from D&D 5e, that is considered a rule change from D&D 5e.
There will be rapid changes to these pages at BG3's launch, so leaving relevant comments with any edits are strongly encouraged.
- Both line and cone breath weapons have a range of 5 m / 17 ft, rather than the lines being 30 ft and the cones 15 ft.
- Drow player characters do not have Sunlight Sensitivity, though some Drow NPCs do.
- Superior Darkvision has a range of 80 ft rather than 120 ft.
- The Trance feature is only implemented by changing your posture while resting in camp.
- As there is no movement speed penalty for wearing Heavy armour in the game, the racial trait for nullifying it is not in the game either.
- Dwarves get unique dialogue options instead of Stonecunning's double proficiency bonus for stonework-related History.
- Tool Proficiency is not in the game as tool proficiencies in general are not.
Gold Dwarves (Hill Dwarves)
No Changes.
Shield Dwarves (Mountain Dwarves)
No Changes.
- Duergar Resilience gives
Advantage on saving throws against illusions, charm effects, and paralyze effects, rather than against poison.
- This matches the first 5e version of the Duergar (the "Gray Dwarves" from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide) rather than the updated version from Monsters of the Multiverse.
- The racial Invisibility spell can be cast once per combat (or unlimited times when not in combat).
- The Duergar version of Enlarge does not require concentration.
- There is no restriction on casting the racial spells while in sunlight.
- This matches the updated Monsters of the Multiverse version of the Duergar rather than the original Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide version.
- Duergar player characters do not have Sunlight Sensitivity, though some Duergar NPCs do.
- The Trance feature is only implemented by changing your posture while resting in camp.
High Elves
No changes.
Wood Elves
- The Wood Elves' Mask of the Wild feature gives Proficiency in Stealth, as characters can attempt to hide at any time in the game.
- Civil Militia, which grants proficiency in Light Armour, Shields, Spears, Pikes, Halberds, and Glaives is a new feature granted to Humans and Half-Elves.
- Skill Versatility is not in the game.
Drow Half-Elves
- The variant feature is not selectable, and the variant feature available is Drow Magic.
High Half-Elves
- The variant feature is not selectable, and the variant feature available is Cantrip.
Wood Half-Elves
- The variant feature is not selectable, and the variant feature available is Fleet of Foot.
- Menacing is not listed as a feature, though Half-Orcs still get Proficiency in Intimidation.
- Halfling Nimbleness (ability to move through space of creatures larger than you) is not in the game.
Lightfoot Halflings
- Naturally Stealthy provides
Advantage on Stealth checks, as characters can attempt to hide at any time in the game.
Strongheart Halflings (Stout Halflings)
No changes.
- Variant ("Subrace") Humans are not in the game. Only the default Human is available with the following new traits:
- Civil Militia, which grants proficiency in Light Armour, Shields, Spears, Pikes, Halberds, and Glaives is a new feature granted to Humans and Half-Elves.
- The ability to choose a skill to be proficient in is new (though this is part of the "variant" Human subrace in 5e).
- Human Versatility, which increases Carrying Capacity by 25%, is new.
- Githyanki have traits from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, with Astral Knowledge from Monsters of the Multiverse replacing Decadent Mastery.
- Gnome Cunning applies to all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws (rather than just those against magic).
Forest Gnomes
- Natural Illusionist is not in the game.
- Speak with Small Beasts grants Speak with Animals once per long rest instead of generic simple communication.
Rock Gnomes
- Tinker is not in the game.
- Artificer's Lore is changed to grant Expertise in all History checks.
Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin)
- Stone Camouflage provides
Advantage on Stealth checks at all times, not just against rocky terrain.
- Deep Gnomes otherwise match the version from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide rather than the updated version from Monsters of the Multiverse.
No changes. Infernal Legacy is reserved for Asmodeus Tieflings.
Asmodeus Tieflings
This is the Player's Handbook base Tiefling with Infernal Legacy.
- The description states that the racial spells for all the subraces use Charisma as their spellcasting ability (as is the case in 5e). However, for the Asmodeus Tiefling actually uses Wisdom. This appears to be a bug rather than an intentional change, as the other racial spells use Charisma.
Mephistopheles Tieflings
No changes.
Zariel Tieflings
No changes.