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Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War

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Curriculum of Strategy Artistry of War.webp
Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War is a level 5 evocation spell. It is a unique spell which fires a devastating barrage of homing projectiles that deal Damage TypesForce damage. It can only be learned by wizards by scribing a unique scroll.


Summon the apparitions of 6 master strategists. Each apparition strikes a target of your choosing, dealing 2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce damage (for a total of 12d6 + 36Damage TypesForce).


Action +  Level 5 Spell Slot
Damage: 48~108
D6 Force.pngD6 Force.pngD6 Force.pngD6 Force.pngD6 Force.png
2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce
+ 2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce
+ 2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce
+ 2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce
+ 2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce
+ 2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce
 Range: 18 m / 60  ft
Recharge: Short rest

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Technical details

How to learn

Other ways to learn:


  • This spell can be considered a significantly more powerful version of Magic Missile Magic Missile. When upcast with a level 5 spell slot, Magic Missile does 7d4+7 (14~35) force damage across 7 projectiles, dealing 24.5 force damage on average. Artistry of War does 12d6+36 (48~108) force damage across 6 projectiles, dealing 78 force damage on average.
    • Like Magic Missile, this spell's projectiles hit without any attack roll and can curve around obstacles and terrain to hit targets without line of sight.
    • Unlike Magic Missile, this spell is not blocked by Shield Shield.
  • This spell can only be cast once per short rest and cannot be upcast with a level 6 spell slot. This recharge time cannot be avoided even with a free cast feature like Arcane Battery Arcane Battery or Freecast Freecast.
  • The incantation for Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War is Pario, Latin for "bring forth", "produce", or "create".


  • The damage per apparition shown on the in-game tooltip is correct (2d6 + 6Damage TypesForce), but the overall damage listed is incorrect. The tooltip claims it deals 12d6 + 6Damage TypesForce instead of 12d6 + 36Damage TypesForce damage total.