Combat[edit | edit source]
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Due to the passive, Beast Master rangers may wish to attack the target marked by for optimal damage.
Charge forward, attacking all hostile creatures in the way. Deals 1d4 + 1Slashing and potentially knocks targets Prone.
Gore an enemy as a bonus action while in a fit of rage.
Go into a frenzy, increasing your size and becoming stronger through raw anger.
While raging, your melee attacks deal an additional 2+1d4Slashing[See Notes] damage and you are Enlarged[See Notes].
You gain Resistance to physical damage, and Advantage on Strength Checks and Saving Throws.
Lash out with deadly claws.
Due to the Prey's Scent passive, Beast Master rangers may wish to attack the target marked by Hunter's Mark for optimal damage.
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