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Fast Movement is a Barbarian passive feature that increases your Movement Speed by 3m / 10ft while not wearing Heavy Armour.
Your Movement Speed increases by 3 m / 10 ft while not wearing Heavy Armour.
How to learn
- Class level 5: Barbarian
Used by creatures: Agile Guardian, Arthus, Baff Elkhorn, Bearclaw, Bedi, Bombasto, Bor, Dror Ragzlin, Gleeful Clong, Inku Neza, Kled, Lady Flux, Lobo Denysse, Lord Jannath's Bodyguard, Manglin' Abby, Mask of Vengeance (The Blushing Mermaid), Rage Queller, Shiv Dahlia, Thudd, Tusgront, Ulma, and Vharranne