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Nightsong Point

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For the quest, see Find the Nightsong, for other approval systems, see Approval.

What are Nightsong Points?

Nightsong Points are a special approval system, exclusive to Shadowheart.
They influence how the encounter with Dame Aylin during the final stages of Act Two plays out, during the quest Find the Nightsong and also has a certain influence on the final decision in the Shadowheart's personal quest.

There are a total of six Nightsong Points available during the first two acts, obtaining at least four will make Shadowheart start to doubt her devotion to Shar and unlock otherwise hidden dialogue when encountering the Nightsong.

The internal flag for the Nightsong Points is ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_FLAG.

Points 1 & 2

The first two points can be acquired after Shadowheart's flashback scene during her Companion quest, Daughter of Darkness, where she shows the player character her young self, as a group of Sharran worshippers corner a wolf in the woods. Points one and two have an additional obstacle, as they come available only after Shadowheart's memory.

To unlock this event, at least three Wolf Dream Points have to obtained, which can be accquired while progressing the story:

  1. Saving Shadowheart on the Nautiloid (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_NautiloidSaved)
  2. During Camp Conversation, when Shadowheart reveals herself as a disciple of Shar, follow this path: (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_WorshipGood)
    • Shadowheart: We shed those cloaks. Before Shar we stand gloriously naked, beyond the vanities of mortals.
    • Player character: When you put it like that, it seems strangely comforting.
    • Shadowheart: There's often suffering - death even. Many people break before they embrace Shar's truths.
    • Player character: I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound convincing. You should tell me more some time.
  3. During Camp Conversation, ask Shadowheart if you can help with her hand. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_WoundFlarePositive)
  4. During Camp Conversation, ask Shadowheart to tell you more about herself. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_LearnedPersonalKnowledge)
  5. During Camp Conversation, find out about her suppressed memories. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_MissingMemories)
  6. Giving Shadowheart the Idol of Shar (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_FoundIdolOfShar)
  7. Supporting Shadowheart during her fight with Lae'zel (ORI_Shadowheart_State_WolfDreamPoint_LaezelFight)

To now gain the two Nightsong Points, the correct choices in the correct order have to be made.

Point 1

Option 1: During the conversation with Shadowheart, after her flashback, succeeding a passive DC 18 Religion check to unlock the conversation option

  • You looked like you were wearing a Moonstone...isn't that commonly worn by Selûnites?

Option 2: Reading the Selûnite Rite in the Owlbear Nest before triggering this conversation, will reveal the knowledge to skip the passive ability check. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_MadeSeluniteConnection)

Option 3: Clerics of Selûne who don't read Selûnite Rite, also skip the passive ability check and receive a slightly different narration line.

Point 2

After completing Point 1, continuing the conversation with

  • Player character: No wonder you're so dedicated to Shar - you feel like you owe your life to her.
  • Shadowheart: She made me who I least, as best as I can remember. She taught me, trained me, punished me when I failed her - which was often.

Now picking

  • Player character: Sounds like abuse.


If choosing the conversation paths required for Point 2 before Point 1, then Point 1 will become unobtainable. The dialogue tree for Clerics of Selûne who haven't read Selûnite Rite does not have this dialogue option, making this point unobtainable by Selûnite characters unless they also read it before initiating the flashback.

Point 3

This point is only available after Shadowheart's wound has flared up four times. A new conversation option will appear:

  • Your wound is causing you too much pain, Shadowheart. There must be a way to heal it.

If the approval is 20+, the player character can either pass a DC 10 Religion check or DC 12 Persuasion check to gain the Nightsong point. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_CureIncurableWound)

This Point can become unobtainable if the wound flare happens outside of conversation. The occurring flare doesn't get added to the required 4 and stops future points from being added as well (Patch 6, version

Point 4

Convincing Shadowheart to eat the Noblestalk, triggering A Familiar Face and awarding the fourth point. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_AteNoblestalk)

Make sure to complete Point 3 first, as consuming the Noblestalk will trigger a bugged Wound flare and will prevent any future wound flares counting towards the Point 3 progression.

Point 5

Giving Shadowheart a Night Orchid will attribute another point. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_GaveNightOrchid)

Point 6

This point can be acquired in a couple of ways, while the party is in the Gauntlet of Shar:

  • Shadowheart: I've dreamed of this place. This is my destiny - I must complete the trials.
  • Player character: All right, I'll help if I can.

Otherwise, agreeing to let Shadowheart activate any of the three trials will give you the same point. (ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_AgreedToTrials)

Changes to dialogue

After collecting 4 Nightsong points, the player automatically receives ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_HasEnoughPoints flag and Shadowheart might immediately trigger a conversation about her being conflicted. This might not trigger straight away, if other events are queued. As usual, new conversation are indicated by the ! above their head.

More new conversation opportunities will unlock after going to camp the next time, this time without any indicators, other than Shadowhearts changed body language.
If you long rest or leave camp before talking to her here, this will be become unavailable.
During the encounter with the Nightsong, the following flags are checked to enable to additional conversation options:

  • 4+ Nightsong Points
  • 40+ Approval Raiting

If either threshold is hit, Shadowheart will always spare the Nightsong, if the player doesn't explicitly tell her to kill her.

If the player has 20-40 Approval, but enough Nightsong Points, the conversation will always end in Shadowheart killing the Nightsong. This is assumed to a bug.

Consequences in Act 3

At the end of the half-elf's personal quest, Shadowheart will have to make a decision: kill her parents and free herself from Shar's influence or return her family. Among the options for the player to choose is neutral:

  • This is your choice, Shadowheart. You don't need me to tell you what is right.

If the player chooses this option and ORI_Shadowheart_State_NightsongPoint_HasEnoughPoints is recieved (by scoring 4 Nightsong Points): Shadowheart will always kill her parents (regardless of whether she is a Dark Justiciar or not). Therefore, for another final, the player will have to choose the another option, with a dice check. This happens because getting this flag blocks getting another one - ORI_Shadowheart_State_ParentPoint_HasEnoughPoints, what is related to Parent Points.

If the player has not received Nightsong's flag and chooses “This is your choice..." option in Act 3: 50+ approval points and recieving Parent Points flag (by scoring 2/3 Parent Points) will result in an automatic liberation of parents after selecting this neutral option.

See also

External Links

Shadowheart's Hidden Score | "Nightsong Points" Explained by SlimX

How Does Shadowheart Decide? | "Parent Points" Explained by SlimX