"A wicked moment, person, or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision. You carry it wherever your adventure takes you - or perhaps it carries you."
Background Features
- Medicine Proficiency: Gain Proficiency with ( Medicine) Ability Checks.
- Intimidation Proficiency: Gain Proficiency with ( Intimidation) Ability Checks.
The Haunted One Background is only available to The Dark Urge characters.
![]() | Spoiler warning: The following content contains unhidden spoilers. Read at your own risk. |
- Indulge Thine Appetites: Follow your Dark Urge.
- Unfriendly Fire: Defeat 5 neutral creatures in a single round.
- Subdue Thine Appetities: Resist your Dark Urge.
Act One
- Creatures of Bloodlust: Recruit the ogre mercenaries, using the corpses of your enemies as payment.
- Fresh Kindle for the Fire: Leave the pinned Benryn to burn.
- Good Ol' Long Pig: Eat a chunk of the cooked dwarf.
- Grabbing the Poker with Both Hands: Torture Liam yourself.
- Head of the Snake: Take Nere's head.
- Now It's a Party!: Poison the stolen ale, slaughtering the goblins.
- Reuniting Friends: Kill Brynna and Andrick, reuniting them with their fallen companion.
- Snipping the Chords: Kill Alfira in cold blood.
- Unfamiliar Familiarity: Release Withers from his tomb.
Act Two
- Bleeding the Corpse Dry: Kill the necromancer.
- Fly-Swatter: Kill the trickster pixie.
- Forced Retirement: End Jaheira's career permanently.
- Killer Poetry: Trick the orthon with a false loophole.
- Lack of Moderation is Key: Kill the brewer with his own brew.
- Lesser of the Three: Kill the envoy of Myrkul.
- Lunar Eclipse: Kill the protector of Last Light.
- Self-Flagellation: Kill your mirror-self in Shar's trial.
- Too Easy: Execute the useless goblins.
- Under the Knife: Kill the surgeon using his own servile nurses.
- Who Let the Gnolls Out: Release the gnolls from their leashes.
Act Three
- A Step Too Far: Save Valeria, rejecting Bhaal's gifts.
- Bhaalspawn No More: Reject your legacy.
- Culling the Imitator: Kill the wannabe assassin.
- Exsanguinated Ectascy: Accept Naoise's lewd proposition.
- Homecoming: Discover the Temple of Bhaal beneath Baldur's Gate.
- How High They Fall: Kill the egotistic would-be immortal.
- Kill 'Em While They're Young: Execute the newborn mind flayer.
- Personal Relations: Meet one of Orin's impersonations.
- Re-tasting the Kill: Kill Ethel a second time - that stubborn, swampy scandal of a hag.
- Unexpected Parenting: Feed a brain to the newborn Mind Flayer.
- Weak Gifts for Weak Beings: Take the measly offerings to the gods for yourself.