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Naoise Nallinto

“But no tale did justice to its ethereal beauty. It floats like a butterfly, its blood shimmers like silver.„
Overview[edit | edit source]
Naoise can be found on the third floor of the building at X: 23 Y: 85 in her room Nymph's Grotto. The party can first learn about her when entering Sharess' Caress and talking with Mamzell Amira; she mentions that they have a "nymph", but that she is currently busy with a client.
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Upon entering the room Nymph's Grotto a cutscene will begin. The player character and the client Fist Jara have a moment of tadpole connection. The Fist then proclaims to recognize the player character, as the Absolute has shown her. This triggers Jara's transformation into a mind flayer and a fight starts.
Afterwards, when talking with Naoise, she expresses admiration of the mind flayer's beauty. Passing a successful check grants additional dialogue choices, allowing the party to comment on her arousal towards the mind flayer. This opens up an option to experience rapture. Accepting Naoise's proposition earns the Inspirational Event Exsanguinated Ecstasy (Haunted One background) or Alternative Vocations (Guild Artisan background).
Reward[edit | edit source]
Default reward:
If rapture was experienced:
- , a temporary passive buff
Gallery[edit | edit source]