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Fangs of the Fire Snake

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Fangs of the Fire Snake.webp

Fangs of the Fire Snake is an action that allows a Way of the Four Elements Monk to hit an enemy, dealing unarmed damage with 1d10Damage TypesFire, and deal an extra 1d4Damage TypesFire damage on their next melee attack.


Hit foes from afar. Your next melee attacks deal an additional 1d4Damage TypesFire damage.


Action + Ki Point
Unarmed damage Damage TypesBludgeoning
D10 Fire.png 1d10 (1~10) Damage TypesFire damage
Melee unarmed attack roll
 Range: 6 m / 20 ft

Condition: Fangs of the Fire Snake

Fangs of the Fire Snake Fangs of the Fire Snake

Duration: 1 turn

  • Affected entity's fists are flickering with flame. Its melee attacks deal an additional 1d4Damage TypesFire damage.

How to learn



This skill counts as an attack, meaning that it benefits from Extra Attack.