| summary = This spell allows spellcasters to turn themselves and other creatures {{Cond|Invisible}} to the naked eye.
| class learns at level 3 = Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
| description = Touch a creature to turn it {{Cond|Invisible}}. Attacks against it have {{Disadvantage}}. It attacks with {{Advantage}}.
| class learns at level 7 = Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight
| extra description = Invisibility ends early if the invisible entity attacks, casts another spell, interacts with an object, takes an action or bonus action{{notes}}, or is damaged.
| races =
| warning = {{Prereq|Condition ends early if the creature attacks or casts a spell.}}
| summary = This spell allows spellcasters to turn themselves and other creatures [[Invisible (Condition)|Invisible]] to the naked eye.
| cost = action, spell2
| description = Touch a creature to turn it [[Invisible (Condition)|Invisible]]. Attacks against it have {{Disadvantage}}. It attacks with {{Advantage}}.
| range = melee
Invisibility breaks when you fail [[Stealth]] [[Ability Check|Checks]] on attacking, casting spells, or interacting with items.[[Invisibility#Bugs|*]]
{{SmallIcon|Prerequisite Icon.png}} Condition ends early if the creature attacks or casts a spell.
| action type = action
| concentration = yes
| concentration = yes
| range = melee
| higher levels = [[Upcasting]]: Affects an additional target for each spell slot level above 2nd.
| higher levels = [[Spells#Upcasting|Upcast]]: Affect an additional target per level.
| classes = Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
| notes = *Granted to [[Circle of the Land]] [[Druid]]s of the Grassland Land
| class learns at level 3 = Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Circle of the Land:Grassland
*Granted by {{SmallIcon|Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands Icon.png}} [[Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands]]
| class learns at level 7 = Arcane Trickster
*Granted by {{Rare|Shifting Corpus Ring}}
| class learns at level 8 = Eldritch Knight
| granted by items = Shifting Corpus Ring:Long Rest, Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands:Long Rest
| notes =
* Actions with the {{C|[[Invisible (spell flag)|Invisible]]}} spell flag can be safely performed without breaking invisibility. These include:
** Many movement actions, such as {{SmSAI|Dash}} and {{SmSAI|Jump}}.
** Using certain items, including potions.
** Opening most containers without adding or removing anything.
** Casting some spells such as {{SAI|Minor Illusion}}.
* Invisibility breaks immediately if the {{cond|wet}} condition is applied.
* Invisibility has two incantations: ''Evanesco'', Latin for "I disappear/vanish", and ''Invisiblis'', Latin for "invisibility".
| video = Invisibility Visuals.mp4
| video = Invisibility Visuals.mp4
== Bugs ==
== External links ==
* The spell description above is an accurate description taken from the game. The '''''condition description''''' is correct. Casting a spell or attacking ''will'' end invisibility early.
Invisibility ends early if the invisible entity attacks, casts another spell, interacts with an object, takes an action or bonus action[See Notes], or is damaged.
Condition ends early if the creature attacks or casts a spell.
Invisibility ends early if the invisible entity attacks, casts another spell, interacts with an object, takes an action or bonus action, or is damaged.