“And who're you? 'Nother pest? Everyone just barges in here, thinkin' they rule the world. Hah!„
Act One
Crusher can be found in the eastern courtyard of the Goblin Camp, boasting to a small crowd about goblin superiority and the power of the Absolute. If a non-drow player character interacts with him, he attempts to humiliate them and demand submission by kissing his foot. If the interacting party member is a drow, Crusher does not attempt to bully the party.
The party can respond to Crusher in several ways:
- [DARK URGE] Ponder how it would taste to bite his toe clean off. (This causes the player character to bite off his toe, initiating combat but sparing the party of humiliation.)
Persuading Crusher:
- [BRANDED] We're on the same side. I've got the Absolute's brand.
Giving in and kissing his foot:
- [DARK URGE] Ignore your lust to eat the foot. Get down to lick it.
- [DARK URGE] Follow the goblin's orders and kneel down - for now.
- Kiss his foot and get it over with.
- It wasn't too bad. Do you use perfume? (Starts a fight)
- Was that enough reverence for you?
- Grab his foot and lick it. (Starts a fight)
- Attack the goblin. (Starts a fight)
- Give the foot a long lick. (Starts a fight)
- [ROGUE] [SLEIGHT OF HAND] Kiss his foot - and try to slide the ring off his toe. (DC 10
- [SLEIGHT OF HAND] Kiss his foot - and try to slide the ring off his toe. (DC 10)
- Kiss his foot and get it over with.
Stealing Crusher's Ring rewards 15 Experience and grants Inspiration for the Charlatan - Anything for Profit.
Demanding Crusher kiss your foot instead:
- [INTIMIDATION] How about you kiss my feet instead? (DC 15)
- Not so high and mighty, after all. (leads to a fight)
- [INTIMIDATION] You better kiss my foot. Now. (DC 15)
- [ILLITHID] [WISDOM] You will obey me. Kneel. (DC 2)
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] [WISDOM] Scan his mind.
- I know you're planning to take over. I wonder what your boss will think of that.
If Crusher initiates the fight, he surrenders when he has one-fourth of his Hit Points remaining, granting the party 15 XP.
- I think my point's been made. Come on, I'll help you up.
- Now. You should kiss my feet.
- Leave him groveling on the ground.
- Laugh at his eagerness and finish him off. (makes the whole camp hostile)
- Ignore his pleading and prepare for the finishing blow. (makes the whole camp hostile)
If completing the interaction without the entire camp becoming hostile, Crusher will walk away from the stage toward the bridge to relieve himself. It is possible to him into the river or to discreetly kill him.
Companion approval
Act One
- Insult Crusher until he starts a fight - I said I'd spit in your face. Was that unclear, or do you need a demonstration?
- Kiss Crusher's foot
- Lick Crusher's foot after kissing it
- Kiss Crusher's foot, but only to steal his ring
- Intimidate Crusher into kissing your feet
- Show Crusher mercy after defeating him
- Spare Crusher after defeating him, but make him kiss your feet
- Kill Crusher after defeating him
Attacks and abilities
Notable loot
Speak with Dead
Crusher can be spoken to with .
Party member: Who are you?
- Crusher: Crusher. Strongest... of our tribe.
- Party member: Are you really the strongest? Does that mean you are the boss?
- Crusher: Should be... boss. But Dror Ragzlin... hobgoblin.
- Party member: Are you really the strongest? Does that mean you are the boss?
Party member: Do you have anything of value?
- Crusher: Toe ring... magic...
Party member: Who killed you?
- Crusher: They'll pay... Absolute... will make them pay...
- Party member: The Absolute? Who is that?
- Crusher: Absolute... blesses. Gives power. Makes... The True Souls...
- Party member: The Absolute? Who is that?
Party member: Did you see a druid named Halsin?
- Crusher: If I had... would've killed 'im...
Party member: So do you have a thing for feet, or...?
- Crusher: Of...course not. That's... disgusting...
Party member: Will you kiss my feet again? (If you made Crusher kiss your feet.)
- Crusher: No... not kissing you... anywhere...
Party member: Have you learned you lesson, now that you're dead?
- Crusher: Absolute... is forever. She'll punish...
- Party member: The Absolute? Who is that?
- Crusher: Absolute... blesses. Gives power. Makes... The True Souls...
- Party member: The Absolute? Who is that?
External links
Crusher on the Forgotten Realms Wiki