- See also: Seeming, a more powerful version of this spell.
Disguise Self is a level 1 illusion spell. This spell allows spellcasters to temporarily change their appearance. While active, gain access to the action to end the effect.
Magically change all aspects of your appearance.
- Cost
Action +
Level 1 Spell Slot
- Details
Range: Self
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Condition: Disguise Self
How to learn
- Class Level 1: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Trickery Domain (Domain Spell), and Draconic Bloodline (Gold/Fire Ancestry)
- Class Level 3: Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight, and Gloom Stalker
Granted by the following items:
Other ways to learn:
- Granted to s who choose the Eldritch Invocation at level 2+.
- The version granted by
Mask of the Shapeshifter is called and does not cost any spell slots.
- Can be used to gain race specific bonuses on equipment and dialogue options if the player disguises as the corresponding race.
- Since the spell changes Creature Size it can be used to fit through some entrances with size requirements.
- Allows using on creatures you've killed yourself.
- This does not grant the disguise's racial features. For example, a Halfling disguised as a Wood Elf will still only have 7.5 m movement speed.
- As of Patch 5, you can escape prison once per character making use of this spell. As long as your appearance changes after being jailed (Commit a crime while disguised, then dispelling the effect while in jail, or vice versa), having the Condition won't cause guards to spot you. Dispelling the effect before the Fugitive Condition ends will get you caught again. If you escape prison once using this method, a second attempt disguising yourself will cause guards to spot you no matter what you look like.