Mijah is a human wizard who is part of the Harpers in Act Two. She patrols the upper floor of the Last Light Inn by herself.

“You're lucky Jaheira gave you the all-clear, or I'd be looking at you next.„
Last Light Inn
Mijah can be first encountered at the Last Light Inn, where she patrols the entirety of the inn's upper floor, as well as stands guard at each end's balcony.
Resolve the Abduction
When Flaming Fist Marcus attacks the inn and attempts to kidnap Isobel during Resolve the Abduction, Mijah will more often than not fail the save and be for the remainder of the battle. If the party fails to protect Isobel, she and everyone in Last Light Inn will turn into a , save for Jaheira.
Assault Moonrise Towers
Mijah does not join the assault against Absolute forces. She remains at the Last Light Inn, before completely disappearing once Ketheric Thorm is defeated.
Attacks and Abilities
Related Quests
- Mijah wears a set of armor identical to the
Padded Armour, but dyed in Harper colours.
- Despite being a wizard, Mijah has no cantrips and her only available spell is Cure Wounds, which is normally inaccessible to wizards and has no combat capability.
- It's possible that she was intended to be a ranger and simply had the wrong class assigned to her, much like how Skywin has a melee fighter stat block assigned to her.
- Despite wielding a
Heavy Crossbow, she doesn't have proficiency for it.
- Therefore, Mijah mainly engages in combat through ranged attacks rather than any magic, making her a comedically weak combatant.
- Mijah does not partake on the Assault on Moonrise Towers. Unlike Lassandra, Meygan, and Karrow, this might be an unintended bug, as Mijah is found patrolling the same route as she did before the assault, and any attempt to enact dialogue with her will instantly pull the party member out of dialogue without any line being said.