Intelligent Sentinel

From Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki

The Intelligent Sentinel is a unique type of Undead guarding the secret shrine to Shar underneath statue of Ketheric Thorm in Reithwin Town's square. Its abilities mirror that of a Wizard, and fitting of its role it has very high Intelligence.

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Concentration Icons.png Spoiler warning! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

If the party fails to pass any of the three Saving Throw tests for Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma or takes the Ritual Dagger of Shar it will summon the undead Dark Justiciar. It along with the Wise Sentinel and Charismatic Sentinel will put up a difficult fight considering their large amount of Hit Points and special abilities.

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Main Hand Attack - Quarterstaff[edit | edit source]


Attack roll: +5

D8 Bludgeoning.png 1d8 + 2 (3~10) Damage TypesBludgeoning damage

Bone Chill[edit | edit source]

Casts Bone Chill.


Attack roll: +8
D8 Necrotic.png 2d8 (2~16) Damage TypesNecrotic damage

Melf's Acid Arrow[edit | edit source]

Casts Melf's Acid Arrow up to third level Spell Slot Level.


Attack roll: +8

D4 Acid.png 6d4 (6~24) Damage TypesAcid damage
D4 Acid.png 3d4 (3~12) Damage TypesAcid damage
  • Damage halved on a miss with no extra damage at end of target's turn.