Template:Spell page/doc
This is a template for generating an entire pre-formatted page for a spell or spell-like ability.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for full documentation of template parameters.
Usage example:
{{SpellPage | name = | image = | icon = | level = | school = | ritual = | class learns at level 1 = | class learns at level 2 = | race learns at level 1 = | race learns at level 2 = | summary = | description = | extra description = | brief = | cost = | hit cost = | attack roll = | on miss = | damage = | damage modifier = | damage type = | damage save = | damage save effect = | damage save dc = | damage per = | extra damage = | extra damage modifier = | extra damage type = | extra damage save = | extra damage save effect = | extra damage save dc = | extra damage per = | concentration = | save = | save dc = | on save = | range = | range m = | range ft = | aoe = | aoe m = | aoe ft = | creature = | creature description = | condition = | condition duration = | condition save = | condition dc = | condition2 = | condition2 duration = | condition2 save = | condition2 dc = | area = | area shape = | area range m = | area range ft = | area duration = | warning = | higher levels = | granted by feats = | granted by items = | used by creatures = | other ways to learn = | variants = | variant of = | notes = | bugs = | video = | npc only = }}
Examples of the template are below:
Acid Splash
Acid Splash is a cantrip (Conjuration). It deals Acid damage to enemies in a small area.
Hurl a bubble of acid that deals 1d6Acid damage to each creature it hits in a small area.
- Cost
- Damage
- Details
Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 2 m / 7 ft (Radius)
At higher levels
When the spellcaster reaches Level 5, the damage increases by another 1d6, for a total of:

How to learn
- Class Level 1: Sorcerer, Wizard, Eldritch Knight, and Arcane Trickster
- Character level 1: Elf
- Character level 2: Seldarine Drow
(Character level is the sum of all class levels for a multi-classed character.)

Bone Chill
Bone Chill is a cantrip (Necromancy). It deals Necrotic damage and prevents the target from regaining hit points.
Assail a creature with the chill of the grave. It takes 1d8Necrotic damage and cannot regain Hit Points. Undead creatures also get
Disadvantage on Attack Rolls.
At higher levels
When the spellcaster reaches Level 5, the damage increases by another 1d8, for a total of:

Condition: Bone Chilled
Duration: 1 turn
- Can not regain
hit points.
- If Undead, has
Disadvantage on
Attack rolls.
How to learn
(Information not yet added.)

Blade Ward
Blade Ward is a cantrip (Abjuration). It allows spellcasters to become more resilient against physical damage.
The caster gains resistance against Bludgeoning,
Piercing, and
Slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks for two turns. Damage of these types is halved.
- Cost
- Details
Range: Self
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Condition: Blade Ward
Duration: 2 turns
- Has Resistance against
Piercing, and
Slashing damage.
How to learn

Hunger of Hadar
Hunger of Hadar is a level 3 conjuration spell. It allows the caster to create a sphere of cold blackness, teeming with unknown horrors.
Create a sphere of cold blackness, teeming with unknown horrors. Creatures starting their turn in the area take 2d6Cold damage. Creatures ending their turn in the area possibly take 2d6
Acid damage.
The area is Difficult Terrain and creatures within are Blinded.
- Cost
Action +
Level 3 Spell Slot
- Damage
- Details
Attack roll
Range: 18 m / 60 ft
AoE: 10 m / 35 ft (Radius)
Creates Area: Hunger of Hadar (area)
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Area: Hunger of Hadar (area)
[[ Hunger of Hadar (area) | Hunger of Hadar (area) ]]
How to learn
- Class Level 3: Warlock
- Here's some notes just for testing purposes.
- Two note entries even.
- Some known bug about this spell.

Aid is a level 2 abjuration spell. It allows spellcasters to heal and embolden their allies and themselves with resolve. Affected creatures have their maximum hit points increased for the duration of the spell. It cannot be learned by players and is only used by NPCs.
Bolster your allies with toughness and resolve to heal and increase their hit point maximum.
- Cost
Action +
Level 2 Spell Slot
- Details
Range: Self
AoE: 9 m / 30 ft (Radius)
At higher levels
Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
Condition: Aid
- Hit point maximum increased by 5
hit points.
- Hit point maximum increases by a further 5
hit points for every Spell Slot Level above 2 used.
How to learn

This page template creates an entire spell page for a given spell.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Spell name | name | The name of the spell, as it is displayed.
| String | suggested |
Spell image | image | This is the spell's in-game 380x380 tooltip image.
| String | suggested |
Spell icon | icon | This is the spell's in-game 144x144 controller UI icon.
| String | suggested |
Spell level | level | This is the level of the spell. Use "cantrip" to indicate a 0th level or cantrip spell.
| String | suggested |
Spell school | school | The school of magic that the spell belongs to.
| String | suggested |
ritual | ritual | Indicates whether the spell is a ritual spell or not. Leave blank if not a ritual spell.
| String | optional |
class learns at level X | class learns at level X | This specifies what level the classes get access to this spell. Use e.g. "class learns at level 5" with a comma-separated list of classes to specify classes that learn this spell at class level 5. You can use subclass names such as "Fiend" or "Light Domain" to indicate that Fiend Warlocks or Light Domain clerics gain access.
| String | suggested |
race learns at level X | race learns at level X | This specifies what level the races get access to this spell. Use e.g. "race learns at level 5" with a comma-separated list of races to specify which races learn this spell at level 5. You can use subrace names such as "Wood Elf" or "Seldarine Drow" as well.
| String | suggested |
Spell description summary | summary | A short summary of the spell. This appears at the top of the page and on link previews.
| Content | suggested |
Spell description | description | This is the full in-game description of the spell. Try to reflect the in-game description as closely as possible.
| Content | required |
Extra description | extra description | The extra in-game description of the spell, shown when the tooltip is locked on screen. | Content | optional |
Brief description | brief | Minimal description with as little visual clutter (like in-line icons) as possible, for use in infoboxes and the like. | Content | optional |
cost | cost | The resource needed to cast this spell.
| String | suggested |
hit cost | hit cost | The resource expended when the spell hits the target.
| String | suggested |
attack roll | attack roll | Whether the spell creates an attack roll or not and what type. Leave blank if no attack roll is made.
| String | optional |
on miss | on miss | Used in conjunction with 'attack roll' describes what happens if the spell misses its attack roll.
| String | optional |
damage | damage | The amount of damage dealt by the spell's primary effect, in dice. Leave blank if the spell does not directly deal damage.
| String | optional |
damage modifier | damage modifier | What stats (if any) get added to the damage dealt.
| String | optional |
damage type | damage type | The type of damage that spell deals.
| String | optional |
damage save | damage save | The save (if any) that a target must roll against the damage effect of the spell.
| String | optional |
damage save effect | damage save effect | What happens on a successful save. Leave blank to default to "negate".
| String | optional |
damage save dc | damage save dc | Use this parameter if the spell's has a fixed saving throw DC
| Number | optional |
damage per | damage per | Optional descriptor that indicates that the damage occurs every time something happens,
| String | optional |
concentration | concentration | Whether the spell requires the caster to maintain concentation. "Yes" if it does, leave blank otherwise.
| String | optional |
save | save | The saving throw stat commonly used by this spell
| String | optional |
save dc | save dc | The saving throw DC
| String | optional |
on save | on save | Used in conjunction with 'save', describes what happens when the target successfully makes their saving throw.
| String | optional |
range | range | The range of the spell.
| String | optional |
range m | range m | Use this parameter if the spell's range does not fit into one of the presets, "melee", "ranged", or "self". Indicates the range in meters.
| Number | optional |
range ft | range ft | Use this parameter if the spell's range does not fit into one of the presets, "melee", "ranged", or "self". Indicates the range in feet.
| Number | optional |
aoe | aoe | Indicates if the spell affects an area, and what type of shape its effect is.
| String | optional |
aoe m | aoe m | This indicates the range of the spell's aoe shape, in meters.
| Number | optional |
aoe ft | aoe ft | This indicates the range of the spell's aoe shape, in feet.
| Number | optional |
creature | creature | The page name of a creature to display.
| String | optional |
creature description | creature description | Text to put underneath the creature box. Accepts full wiki formatting.
| Content | optional |
condition | condition | The full name of the condition (if any) that this spell applies to its target/s. Leave blank if there is no condition.
| String | optional |
condition duration | condition duration | The duration in turns of the spell's applied condition. Leave blank if the duration is unlimited.
| Number | optional |
condition save | condition save | The save that the spell's target must roll to avoid or reduce its effects. Can use short or long name, e.g: "STR" or "Strength"
| String | optional |
condition dc | condition dc | The dc of the spell's applied condition. Leave blank if the dc is unknown.
| String | optional |
condition2 | condition2 | The full name of the second condition (if any) that this spell applies to its target/s. Leave blank if there is no second condition.
| String | optional |
condition2 duration | condition2 duration | The duration in turns of the spell's second applied condition. Leave blank if the duration is unlimited.
| Number | optional |
condition2 save | condition2 save | The second save that the spell's target must roll to avoid or reduce its effects. Can use short or long name, e.g: "STR" or "Strength"
| String | optional |
condition2 dc | condition2 dc | The dc of the spell's second applied condition. Leave blank if the dc is unknown.
| String | optional |
Spell area name | area | Indicates the page of a special area/field/surface/cloud created by the spell (if any). Leave blank if there is none.
| String | optional |
area shape | area shape | This indicates the shape that the special area created by the spell takes.
| String | optional |
area range m | area range m | Indicates the range of the area created by spell, in meters.
| Number | optional |
area range ft | area range ft | Indicates the range of the area created by spell, in feet.
| Number | optional |
area duration | area duration | This indicates how long the area created by the spell lasts, in turns.
| Number | optional |
warning | warning | Warning text for the tooltip that doesn't belong in the description. | String | optional |
higher levels | higher levels | This describes what happens when the spell is casting using a higher than normal spell slot.
| Content | optional |
variants | variants | Comma-separated list of variants of the spell, like the element types of Chromatic Orb.
| String | optional |
variant of | variant of | The spell that is the parent of this spell
| String | optional |
notes | notes | Any extra or related information about the spell. | Content | optional |
bugs | bugs | Any known bugs about the spell. | Content | optional |
video | video | Name of an uploaded video file showcasing the spell. | File | optional |
recharge | recharge | The frequency of recharge for this spell, if any.
| String | optional |
other ways to learn | other ways to learn | Will be inserted directly into the How to Learn section after all the other ways of learning. | String | optional |
npc only | npc only | If specified, will mark the spell as unable to be learned by players. | Boolean | optional |