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The Urge is the Dark Urge's personal quest and is available only by selecting this Origin.
Objectives[edit | edit source]
Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
Prologue[edit | edit source]
Discovering the Urge[edit | edit source]
After breaking free from the Mind Flayer Pod the character realizes that they are suffering from a severe loss of memory. Soon they also realize that for an unknown reason they have violent urges.
Right after escaping the nautiloid, inspecting the corpse of the Mangled Fisher at the Ravaged Beach makes the Dark Urge smile and passing a DC 7 Intelligence check makes them see memory flashes of a thousand different dead.
Act One[edit | edit source]
Alfira[edit | edit source]
Upon the first Long Rest after crossing the bridge between the Emerald Grove and Moonhaven, a Tiefling Bard named Alfira joins the camp at night and expresses interest in joining them as a camp follower. Whether the Dark Urge agrees with her request or forces her to leave, it matter little for they wake up during the night over Alfira's corpse, the Dark Urge's hands dripping in blood. Trying to remember of what happened requires an Intelligence DC 12 check which, if passed, shows a glimpse of Alfira as she is being murdered by the Dark Urge's own hands. Another option is to look for signs on what happened which requires an Investigation DC 7 check. If passed, the Dark Urge notices the utter ravaging of Alfira's body which most of it had occurred after she had died, while the Dark Urge's dominant hand aching from stabbing. It is recommended to do the Intelligence check first since selecting the Investigation option moves the conversation forward.
Regardless of whether the aforementioned checks were successful or not, the Dark Urge is presented with three options:
- Option 1: Hide the body. This requires passing a Strength-based DC 12 Stealth check. If passed there will be no confrontation the next day. Failing the roll leads to the same result as choosing Option 2.
- Option 2: Going to sleep without trying to hide the body or washing the blood. The next day the party confronts the Dark Urge who can admit that they are responsible or say that they saw nothing or blame a wild animal.
- Saying that they killed her:
-1 They can afterwards make a DC 18 Deception roll to claim that Alfira had attacked the Dark Urge. If they believe them, the matter is dropped. However if the Deception roll is failed it causes:
- Saying that they saw nothing requires no check to be made but because of the blood on them, the party does not believe the Dark Urge.
- Blaming a wild animal requires a DC 7 Deception roll to be passed. Failing it causes:
- Saying that they killed her:
- Option 3: Leaving the body where it is but washing Alfira's blood away from their hands and clothes. This causes a passive Perception check to be rolled. Passing it makes the Dark Urge realize that washing the blood away makes them unhappy while failing the roll causes them to freak out thinking they still have blood on their hands and it cannot be washed away; they may even briefly consider that Alfira's blood is magical. Regardless, they are clean the next day when the party confronts them about Alfira's death.
- The dialogue options are similar to Option 2 with the notable exceptions that the party believes the Dark Urge if they claim that they saw nothing and the option to use Deception has a DC 15 instead of 7. This is likely a developer mistake and the two numbers should had been reversed (DC 15 for Option 2 and DC 7 for Option 3). Failing the deception check causes:
- The dialogue options are similar to Option 2 with the notable exceptions that the party believes the Dark Urge if they claim that they saw nothing and the option to use Deception has a DC 15 instead of 7. This is likely a developer mistake and the two numbers should had been reversed (DC 15 for Option 2 and DC 7 for Option 3). Failing the deception check causes:
If the Dark Urge is held responsible for Alfira's murder most companions in private conversations will be wary of the Dark Urge and vow to keep a closer eye on them with the exception of Astarion who does not disapprove of their actions. Most companions will also blame the tadpole for the erratic behavior. Regardless of which path is taken, Astarion knows what happened and his greeting accordingly changes calling the Dark Urge 'dagger-happy friend', among other remarks. Alfira's death also earns the Snipping the Chords Inspiration to the Dark Urge.
If Alfira had been killed or was prior to this Long Rest causes Quil Grootslang to show up instead. The scene is otherwise identical. Alternatively, if after Alfira or Quil appears the Dark Urge is killed before ending the night, the above cutscenes will not play; the Urge may then be resurrected the next day. In this scenario the bard will still appear ritually sacrificed at dawn, but when Sceleritas Fel appears he will admit to arranging the Urge's affairs in their absence. The player character will not receive the earlier Inspiration point or The Deathstalker Mantle.
Achievements[edit | edit source]
- Sins of the Father
- Claim your Throne of Blood: take control of the Netherbrain for Bhaal and break the world.