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Mage Armour

Revision as of 16:02, 26 June 2024 by Jonw13579 (talk | contribs)
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Mage Armour.webp

Mage Armour is a level 1 abjuration spell. This spell allows spellcasters to surround an unarmoured creature (including themselves if they're unarmoured) with magical protection.


Surround an unarmoured creature in a protective magical force. Its Armour Class Armour Class increases to 13 + its Dexterity modifier.

Prerequisite: The target can't be wearing Armour.


Action + Level 1 Spell Slot
 Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft

At higher levels

Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.

Condition: Mage Armour

Mage Armour Mage Armour

Duration: Until Long rest

How to learn



Granted by the following items:


  • Also granted to Warlock Warlocks who choose the Eldritch Invocation Armour of Shadows Armour of Shadows at level 2+. This version of the spell can only target self, and doesn't expend Spell Slots.
  • You can cast this spell on all party members then dismiss the caster from the party and this buff will persist.
    • If cast by a Wizard Wizard, this spell must remain Prepared by the party member who cast it; removing Mage Armour from the caster's Prepared Spells list will immediately remove the buff from all party members whom the caster applied it to. If applied by using (not scribing) a scroll, the caster does not need to keep this spell Prepared to maintain the buff.
  • If a party member who has Mage Armour equips a piece of Armour, the buff will be removed. Mage Armour will not be reapplied when unequipping that Armour; it will need to be cast on them once more.

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