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Shove is a common bonus action that allows the user to shove an creature or object, pushing it away (and possibly off ledges or into harmful effects).


Try to push your target away.

Your success depends on your Athletics, and the target's Athletics or Acrobatics. You have Advantage Icon.png Advantage if you're Hidden Hidden or Invisible Invisible.

The shove distance depends on your Strength and the target's weight.


Bonus action
 Range: 1.5 m / 5 ft

Overview[edit | edit source]

Shove is a basic, common action available to almost every humanoid. Because of falling damage and chasms, shoving can be an extremely potent action both when used by the party or against it. Shove has a dedicated keybind (V) with the keyboard and mouse interface, or it can be used from the ability bar like any other ability.

Using Shove will show a percentage chance preview and the trajectory and landing position of the object or character if the push were successful. Whether or not the shove is successful and the distance of the shove depend on a number of factors described below.

A valid shove. The goblin will be pushed into the pit and land in a valid location, taking significant fall damage.

For a shove to be valid, the target creature must land in a position where it could normally stand, or in a dedicated chasm. Chasms can be identified by the "Chasm" tooltip that appears when hovering your cursor over them. Pushing a creature into a chasm will instantly kill it, but the body and any loot it carries will (usually) be lost forever.

An invalid shove. The goblin would be shoved into the wall which is not a valid location. Rather than hitting the wall and then falling into the pit, the goblin will not move at all if shoved.

Attempting to push a creature into an invalid location (for example, into a wall) will show a red shove preview. While the game does not prevent you from making an invalid shove, doing so will not move the target even if the roll is successful.

Roll[edit | edit source]

When attempting to shove a non-allied creature, both the target and the shover make skill checks in a contested roll. The shover makes a normal Athletics check against a DC determined by the target's passive skill using either Athletics or Acrobatics, whichever is higher.[1] This passive skill is equal to 10 + skill bonus with Advantage Icon.png Advantage on the relevant skill checks adding 5 and Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage subtracting 5. For example, a barbarian at level 1, with 17 Strength, proficiency in Athletics, and currently Raging Raging will have a passive Athletics skill of:

10 + 3 (STR modifier) + 2 (Proficiency) + 5 (Advantage on STR checks) = 20

If the shover's roll meets or exceeds the target's passive skill, the shove will be successful. Shove attempts cannot critically fail, provided rolling a natural 1 would still beat the target's passive Acrobatics or Athletics skill. Both Hiding Hiding and Invisibility Invisibility grant Advantage Icon.png Advantage on shove's Athletics skill check.

An example of the erroneous shove DC shown in the combat log.

Information on the contested skill check is not readily visible in-game since, in the combat log, the DC of a shove skill check is always erroneously shown as 0. The percentage chance preview before making a shove is accurate, however.

Shoving is one of the few cases where skill checks are made in combat. As a result, this is one of the few uses for the component of Hex Hex that imposes Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on skill checks of a specified ability. Hexing Strength will greatly reduce the chance of an enemy successfully shoving you and make it easier to shove high Strength enemies. Hexing Dexterity will make it significantly easier to shove high Dexterity enemies. Note that it is not possible to see an enemy's skill bonuses in the inspect window, so it is not always easy to determine whether hexing Strength or Dexterity would be more impactful.

When targeting an ally, Shove does not require a skill check and will always succeed, provided all other prerequisites for a successful shove are met. This behaviour was added in Patch 6 and prior to that, shoving allies required passing a skill check.

Max weight[edit | edit source]

The weight of a target object and a creature's Strength score determine whether a shove attempt can be made in the first place. The requirement is:


Note that this is the full Strength score, not the Strength ability modifier that is usually used. The multiplier is 12 unmodified, but is increased to 28.2 for Enlarged Enlarged creatures, and decreased to 5.1 for Reduced Reduced creatures.[2]

Smaller characters like gnomes do not receive penalties to max shove weights. The multiplier is adjusted specifically by the Enlarge/Reduce conditions and has nothing to do with creature size. Even functionally identical effects like Elixir of The Colossus Elixir of The Colossus or Giant Form Giant Form do not affect the maximum shove weight.

If the weight condition is not met, attempting to shove an object or creature will display a message "Too heavy to Shove."

Distance[edit | edit source]

The distance an object or creature is shoved depends on the Strength of the shover and weight of the shoved object. This distance is restricted to a minimum of 1 m / 3 ft and a maximum of 6 m / 20 ft.[3] Note, however, that the maximum shove distance assumes level terrain. When shoving an object off a ledge, it can go further than 6 m / 20 ft since it will continue its parabolic trajectory as it falls.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

Shove is an excellent tool to exploit terrain and environmental hazards. When pushing enemies off ledges, they will take damage according to the falling damage rules if they fall at least 4 m / 13 ft. Additionally, if they fall at least 8 m / 27 ft, they will get knocked Prone Prone with no saving throw. Pushing enemies into chasms is even more potent, but you lose out on any loot they carry.

Aside from the obvious use of pushing enemies to their deaths, Shove has a wide range of creative uses.

  • Shoving can be used to avoid Opportunity Attacks Opportunity Attacks by pushing a threatening enemy out of range before retreating.
  • It can be used to rouse a creature from Sleeping Sleeping or help them shake off the effects of certain spells like Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotic Pattern.
  • Shoving (or even just attempting a shove) counts as an attack for the purposes of maintaining Rage Rage.
  • Allies can be shoved out of range of dangerous effects. For example, you can shove an ally that is Garrotted Garrotted by a Meazel to break the effect.

Related features[edit | edit source]

Related items[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. From the definition of ShoveCheck() in Scripts/thoth/helpers/CommonConditions.khn.
  2. From the definition of CanShoveWeight() in Scripts/thoth/helpers/CommonConditions.khn.
  3. From the definitions of ShoveDistanceMin and ShoveDistanceMax in Public/Shared/Stats/Generated/Data/Data.txt.