Adaptable and adroit in all manner of languages and skills, your mind is an intellectual cup brimming with exquisite knowing.
Knowledge Domain is one of the Subclasses of Cleric. These Clerics are more specialized in arcane magic.
Subclass Features
Level 1
- Blessings of Knowledge You gain Proficiency in your choice of two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. Your is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of these skills.
- Domain Spells: You gain spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 2
Channel Divinity Action:
Knowledge of the Ages
Level 3
- Domain Spells: You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 5
- Domain Spells: You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 7
- Domain Spells: You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.
Level 8
Potent Spellcasting: Your god grants you even more intense power. You can add your Wisdom Modifier to the damage you deal with Cleric Cantrips.
Level 9
- Domain Spells: You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.