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Rescue Orin's Victim


Rescue Orin's Victim is a sub-quest of the quest Get Orin's Netherstone in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3. It is started automatically after entering Wyrm's Rock Fortress and long resting, or by entering the sewers for the first time.

"Halsin" acts strange at camp.


Save Orin's victim.
  • Orin abducted Lae'zel. She told us that she'll release her if we kill Gortash.
  • Orin abducted Gale. She told us that she'll release him if we kill Gortash.
  • Orin abducted Halsin. She told us that she'll release him if we kill Gortash.
  • Orin abducted Minthara. She told us that she'll release her if we kill Gortash.
  • Orin abducted Yenna. She told us that she'll release her if we kill Gortash.
Find where Orin is keeping her victim.
  • We refused Orin's deal to kill Gortash. There must be another way to save her victim - assuming they're still alive. We should find out where she took them.
Destroy the Steel Watchers.
  • We defeated a Steel Watcher - Gortash now has one fewer mechanical lackeys protecting him. Investigating the Steel Watch may be a good approach.
Take down the Steel Watch.
  • We found a letter from Orin explaining that striking down Gortash will be difficult with the Steel Watch protecting him. We should find the Steel Watch Foundry and take it down. Hopefully the abductee is still safe.
Find Orin's next instructions.
  • We destroyed the Steel Watch Foundry as Orin instructed. She seems to enjoy infiltrating our camp and leaving messages for us there - maybe that's where we'll find further instructions.
Kill Gortash.
  • With the Steel Watch destroyed and Gortash vulnerable, Orin left us a message with a clear directive: kill Gortash.
Find Orin's final instructions.
  • Gortash is dead. Orin will surely have left another note for us at camp after learning this.
Submit to the Bhaalist Murder Tribunal.
  • Orin left us a note congratulating us for killing Gortash. Her abductee is thankfully still alive. Before we can seek Orin in the Temple of Bhaal and rescue the victim, she demands that we submit to trial in something called the Murder Tribunal.
Find Orin's victim in the Temple of Bhaal.
  • We were anointed Unholy Assassin at the Murder Tribunal, gaining access to the Temple of Bhaal. We need to find Orin there if we are to rescue her victim in time.
  • We now know how to gain access to the Temple of Bhaal, but Orin won't be happy that we dismantled the Murder Tribunal. We must reach the Temple and rescue her victim before she learns this.
  • We found Orin's victim tied to an altar. We should be careful as we approach.
Check up on the victim.
  • With Orin defeated, we can finally see if her victim is all right.
Quest Complete
  • We failed to save Orin's victim from her clutches.
  • Orin's victim is safe and sound back at camp.


The Kidnapping

Orin kidnaps a party member under various circumstances. The easiest event trigger is long resting after arriving in the Lower City. Orin shapeshifts as the party member she abducts and speaks to the party. Orin only abducts characters who are at camp and not in the current party. She kidnaps the following companions, prioritizing companions with the lowest approval with the player:

Orin does NOT kidnap romanced companions, even if Yenna was kicked out of camp and all other kidnapping targets are unavailable (this may have changed in an update, romanced characters can be kidnapped if left at camp). If no potential victims are available and Yenna is told she is unwelcome at camp, Orin still appears at camp as Yenna to inform the party that the young girl was kidnapped.

Kidnapping at Camp

If the kidnapped party member is Lae'zel, she puts a knife to Yenna and claims that Yenna is a shapeshifter. The party can object, using the following options:

  • [INTIMIDATION] Let her go, Lae'zel.
  • [PERSUASION] There's something we're not seeing here.

Otherwise, "Lae'zel" kills Yenna by slitting her throat. If Yenna is saved, she runs off and Orin reveals herself.

If Gale is the unlucky target, "he" approaches the party about the orb in his chest. He states that he must sacrifice himself for the good of the many, otherwise Baldur's Gate will be only the first city to fall. As he seems to be exploding, he instead transforms into Orin, who reveals her kidnapping.

If Halsin is kidnapped during a long rest, "he" appears about to kill Scratch. He transforms back into his humanoid self, claiming that the corruption of the city is eating away at him. "Halsin" puts a knife to his chest, which the party can either slap away, try to use Medicine to find a way to treat Halsin, or try to persuade him to stand down. If Halsin's kidnapping is discovered in the sewers, he will burst out of a door and say he was forced to kill many people. He will break down at his guilt. Afterwards, Orin reveals herself and says the party must sharpen their wits to spare Halsin the true blade.

If Minthara is captured, "she" is covered in blood and claims that Isobel or Karlach was trying to kill her. "She" may show a dead body under a cloth, claiming it to be the corpse of Isobel/Karlach, slain in self defense. "Minthara" says no one at camp is trustworthy and they must be slain in their sleep. Whatever the response, she reveals herself to be Orin.

If the victim is Yenna, she is cooking a meat skewer when the party approaches. She tells the party to try it, stating there is something special in it. That turns out to be Grub, the cat, who Orin killed and cooked into the skewers. After this, Orin reveals herself and the true nature of the meat skewers.

Kidnapping in the Sewers

If Orin's kidnapping has not been triggered through a long rest, it can also be triggered in the City Sewers. In this case, the event is mostly the same for each person - the kidnapping victim appears grievously injured and begs the party to run away, explaining how they were brutally tortured by Orin. Then, Orin reveals herself and the kidnapping plot.

This event is triggered in two places - in the sewers accessed from the Emperor's hideout, or in the area close to the Undercity Ruins waypoint (X:-141, Y:923). It's not possible to avoid the kidnapping before confronting Orin.

Orin's Demands

After Orin reveals she has a hostage, she states her demands. Gortash bound her blade when the Chosen Three initially came together, making her unable to harm him. For this reason, she needs the party to step in and kill him. After this, she intends to face the party in a battle to the death - winner takes the Netherstones. As long as the party takes him down, she won't harm her captive.

If the party chooses to pursue Gortash first and manages to complete Get Gortash's Netherstone, Orin sends a blood to letter to camp titled "Congratulations on the Murder of Gortash." She tells the party that they must now face the Murder Tribunal and become an unholy assassin of Bhaal before they can face her. She gives the party a location - Candulhallow's Tombstones and a password - 'Sicarius.'

If the party does not want to face Gortash first, then Investigate the Murders must be completed. Finishing the quest also reveals the location and password for the tribunal.

Candulhallow's Tombstones

Entrance to Candulhallow's Tombstones

Candulhallow's Tombstones is northeast of Elfsong Tavern (X:74, Y:25). Its entrance can either be lockpicked, or a key used if the party killed Dolor. Move into the back office room and remove the Butterfly on Skull painting (X:87, Y:15) to find a button. Press the button to reveal a secret door. The only way to get past this door is to know the passphrase, Sicarius.

The painting that hides the button.

Within the basement, there is immediately a sign that says "Flaming Fists this Way." This area is heavily trapped with grease barrels that alight if the party enters that way. Instead, remain on the brick path on the right and enter the door to the Murder Tribunal's antechamber (X:-1302, Y:519).

Infiltrate the Murder Tribunal

Map of the Murder Tribunal.

Enter the Murder Tribunal Antechamber and speak to That Which Guards. The entity provides a riddle, "Present me well from gifts thine own, or I shall rend thy flesh from bone." Choose "I killed to be here - and took the victim's hand as proof" to proceed forward. The party can use the hand bag from Dolor, the hands taken from any victims they chose to kill, or the hand of Gortash to gain entry. Choosing any other option results in a fight with the guards, and the Murder Tribunal becomes hostile as well.

Choosing to go the murder route and not pursue Dolor results in Dolor being at the Tribunal and arguing with That Which Guards. That Which Guards states that only one murderer can go forth into the Tribunal. The party can tell Dolor to either go ahead, persuade him to fight against the Tribunal, or fight him to the death.

If the party chooses not to fight their way through, they come face to face with Sarevok Anchev, along with the Echo of Amelyssan, Echo of Sendai, and Echo of Illasera. The party can ask various questions about Sarevok and how he is still alive, his ties to Orin, and information about what the Murder Tribunal is.

Sarevok states that there is no better mirror in which to see the true nature of a killer than his victim. Thus, he summons the image of one of the murder victims. The spectre cannot speak, as the murderer stole its voice. Thus, the party must speak for it. Sarevok asks how the pitiful creature was slain:

  • The deed is done - the details don't matter.
  • In combat. Honourably.
  • [DECEPTION] First, I ended its sorry existence. Then I cut the hand from its corpse.
  • [DECEPTION] Slowly and painfully. I savoured every scream.
  • [DECEPTION] With a smile on my face, and pleasure in my heart.
  • I didn't kill this person. But I will kill you.

If the soul was actually slain by the party, then no deception checks are needed. Choosing the first two options or the last option make Sarevok and the echoes hostile. Otherwise, Sarevok leads the party to the Dread Lord's Abattoir, for the next challenge. Inside the abattoir is the hollyphant investigator, Valeria. The party must choose to kill Valeria, becoming a holy assassin of Bhaal, or slay Sarevok.

An additional scene plays if either Minsc or Jaheira is in the party during the tribunal. Sarevok instantly recognizes them and declares them traitors. The party can respond by stating they are sacrifices offered up to Bhaal and kill them, or go through Intimidation or Performance checks to having Jaheira/Minsc kneel before the Tribunal. Doing the latter satisfies Sarevok enough to allow the Tribunal to continue and both Minsc and Jaheira can be baptised as unholy assassins.

Whether the party becomes an assassin of Bhaal or not, the Map to Bhaal Temple and Amulet of Bhaal Amulet of Bhaal needed to enter the Temple of Bhaal is acquired.

The Temple of Bhaal

The hanging corpses in the Undercity Ruins.

The entrance to the Temple of Bhaal is close to the Undercity Ruins waypoint. There are two corpses hanging from the ceiling with a skull below them (X:-142, Y:934). Use a ranged attack on the corpse to make it bleed, which causes the skull to become red. Once this happens, the way to the Temple opens.

There is a long, winding path east to get to the Temple proper. Close to the entrance, an ambush of several unholy assassins occurs, detectable through a Perception check. One of the assassins is a monk called Strangler Luke, who drops the Bonespike Gloves on death. Warning: he must be looted before the fight ends, or the corpse will despawn.

Once the door to the Temple is reached (X:2, Y:1006), the Amulet of Bhaal is necessary. Place the amulet against the door to gain entry. Continue walking deep into the Temple to find Orin. (If the dark urge is present then the Amulet is not required, as Sceleritas Fel will open the door)

Confronting Orin

Orin's victim is shackled to an altar, which Orin has the key to. Orin welcomes the party, aware of if they became an unholy assassin or not. She also holds a dagger to the victim, threatening to kill them.

  • [DECEPTION] Gortash is dead. I left him rotting on the roof of his fortress (No check if Gortash is killed first)
  • [INTIMIDATION] Anything you do to him/her, I will inflict on you a hundredfold. (DC 25)
  • [PERSUASION] You said Bhaal wanted us to fight. He will reject this offering (DC 25)
  • His/Her fate is of no interest to me.

If the check is passed, Orin ignores the victim and faces the party, along with several unholy assassins. She transforms into her Slayer form, a level 12 monstrosity. The chains to the victim can be lockpicked, freeing them and allowing them to fight alongside the party. Otherwise, the victim thanks the party once they are freed and returns to camp.

Alternatively, a dialogue option appears if the party has talked to Orin's mother using Speak with Dead and learned that Sarevok was the one who ordered her to kill Orin when she was a child.

  • Like the salvation your mother offered? Attacked by your mother on Sarevok's orders. That must have hurt.

Using this dialogue immediately stops Orin from killing her victim and approaches the party believing that they're lying.

  • You're pathetic. No wonder he tricked you so easily.
  • [DECEPTION] Sarevok told me the truth himself. He was laughing at you. (DC 25)
  • [RELIGION] Bhaal rejoices in such cruel betrayals. You really believed you were the exception? (DC 25)
  • I'm not the one who needs saving.

Picking any of the non-check options or failing to pass the skill checks results in Orin transforming into the Slayer. However, if the check is passed, Bhaal forcefully transforms Orin into the Slayer.

If playing The Dark Urge origin, they receive an alternative dialogue after revealing the truth to Orin.

  • I deserved it more than you. Sarevok ordered your mother to kill you. You weren't even meant to survive.

After that, the dialogue options are the same with the skills checks and non-checks.

Alternatively, a sneak attack before initiating dialogue starts the fight immediately, and likely give all the Bhaalists the Surprised condition for the first round. The Bhaalists likely won't target the captive, but Sanctuary can protect them.

Duel of the Chosen

If playing The Dark Urge origin with the Slayer unlocked, the second dialogue option will include the option to:

  • Show Orin the Splendour of Bhaal's favourite: Call upon the Slayer.

This will initiate a duel between The Dark Urge and Orin, with the other characters and NPCs holding outside of the alter platform.

If The Dark Urge dies during this duel, then Sceleritas will cry out for Orin's death, and the remaining characters will be able to intervene.

Upon success, Bhaal will anoint you as his Chosen, task you to take control of The Absolute, and grant the use of Power Word Kill as a class action.

Quest Rewards

Looted from Orin's corpse:


  • This quest is not time sensitive, so long as the party does not attempt to infiltrate the Temple of Bhaal. Orin is happy to wait for the party to murder Gortash in the meantime.