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List of features and items that affect AC


Class features[edit | edit source]

Feature Class AC bonus Notes
Defence (fighting style) Defence (fighting style) Fighter (1), Ranger (2), Paladin (2) +1 Applies while wearing any armour
Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian) Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian) Barbarian (1) +CON modifier Only applies while unarmoured. Affects base AC and does not stack with other effects that change base AC.
Unarmoured Defence (Monk) Unarmoured Defence (Monk) Monk (1) +WIS modifier Only applies while unarmoured and not wearing a shield. Affects base AC and does not stack with other effects that change base AC.
Wild Shape Wild Shape Druid (2) Varies While wild shaped, you take on the base AC of the form. This does not stack with other effects that change base AC. For a list of the base ACs of wild shape forms, see this list.
Draconic Resilience Draconic Resilience Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (3) +3 Equivalent to Mage Armour Mage Armour. Only applies while unarmoured. Affects base AC and does not stack with other effects that change base AC.

Spells[edit | edit source]

Spell AC bonus Duration Concentration Affects Notes
Haste Haste +2 10 rounds Yes Self or allies
Shield Shield +5 Until the start of your next turn No Self Cast as a reaction
Shield of Faith Shield of Faith +2 Until long rest Yes Self or allies
Warding Bond Warding Bond +1 Until long rest No Allies
Mage Armour Mage Armour +3 Until long rest No Self or allies Only works while unarmoured. Affects base AC and does not stack with other effects that change base AC.
Mirror Image Mirror Image +3 to +9 10 rounds (or until depleted) No Self Starts at 3 mirror images for +9 AC. Each missed attack will remove one mirror image and reduce the AC bonus by 3.
Barkskin Barkskin Sets AC to 16 Until long rest Yes Self or allies Has no effect if the target has an AC higher than 16.

Items[edit | edit source]

Item AC bonus Notes
Shields Shields +1 to +3 Most shields grant +2 AC. See Shields for a comprehensive list.
Light Armour Varies Light armours typically have AC values of 11 to 14. See Light Armour for a comprehensive list.
Medium Armour Varies Medium armours typically have AC values of 13 to 17, but cap the AC bonus from Dexterity to +2. This cap can be increased to +3 with Medium Armour Master Medium Armour Master and armours with the Exotic Material property do not have this cap. See Medium Armour for a comprehensive list.
Heavy Armour Varies Heavy armours typically have AC values of 16 to 21, but do not get any AC bonus from Dexterity. A negative Dexterity modifier will still apply, however. See Heavy Armour for a comprehensive list.
Helm of Balduran +1
Wondrous Gloves +1
Bracers of Defence +2 Only applies while unarmoured and not wielding a shield.
Ring of Protection +1
Cloak of Protection +1
Bonespike Boots +1 Only applies while unarmoured and not wielding a shield.
Evasive Shoes +1
Defender Flail +1
Defender Greataxe +1 When making an attack, can choose to reduce the weapon enchantment by 1 to gain +1 AC for 1 round.
Ring of Twilight +1 AC bonus only applies while obscured.