The Chosen of Shar is a sub-quest of Shadowheart's Companion quest, Daughter of Darkness. It is added to the journal after encountering information on Dark Justiciars.
Objectives and journal entries may vary pending story decisions.
The Dark Justiciars
During dialogue with Shadowheart, she reveals that she has always dreamed of becoming a Dark Justiciar, but that the Mother Superior thwarted any attempts at doing so. More information on the Dark Justiciars can be found at various places, starting in Act One. This starts The Chosen of Shar to learn more about the Dark Justiciars and their history.
Information on the Dark Justiciars can be found within the Inner Sanctum of the Druid Grove by examining the murals with Shadowheart in the party. One of the frescoes, 'Fallen,' depicts a group of druids standing over a vanquished army - the army of Shar. The druids aided a group of Selunites in vanquishing Shar's army at Moonrise Towers.
If the druid Halsin is saved during , he can explain more about a war that was fought between the Selunites and the Dark Justiciars.
If the party chooses to Grymforge, several signs of Dark Justiciar remnants are noticed. In the area near the deep rothe in the quest , there are several Dark Justiciar corpses that Shadowheart can comment on. Additionally, there is an Idol of Shar X: -645 Y: 366 that can be found on the path past the rubble, through many sets of pressure plate traps and a locked Wrought Iron Gate. The gate can either be smashed with force damage or passed with spells such as or . can also be used to switch the lever on the other side of the gate. Speaking to Shadowheart, she can be gifted the statuette. Lastly, within the path to the Adamantine Forge, there are several
Devilfoil Masks that indicate Merregons from the hell fought with the Dark Justiciars.
Unfortunately, the trail goes cold within Grymforge. Choosing to free True Soul Nere as part of causes him to explain that he was looking for an entrance to an ancient Sharran Temple, but that the way was blocked. It is not until the latter half of Act Two that the party finds a way in.
The Gauntlet of Shar
As part of Grand Mausoleum. After solving a small puzzle in the Mausoleum, the party enters the Gauntlet of Shar, where they must overcome each of Shar's trials and collect the Umbral Gemsto gain access to the Shadowfell.
Shadowheart does not need to personally be taken through the Gauntlet of Shar, although she does have numerous opportunities for unique dialogue and approval.
WARNING: Entering the Shadowfell without Shadowheart will result in her leaving the party.
If Shadowheart is not taken, then she immediately appears after the party returns to the material plane to confront them, saying they prevented her from achieving her destiny. She permanently leaves the party, saying she hopes she never sees them again and forgets them in time.
Once the party leaps to the heart of the Shadowfell, they learn the Nightsong is not an object, but an aasimar woman named Dame Aylin. She has been held captive by Thorm using the power of Balthazar to share her immortal life with him.
After this, several events can play out, depending on whether Balthazar is alive and whether the player character convinces Shadowheart to spare the Nightsong.
Shadowheart can be convinced to spare Aylin in several ways, depending on her Nightsong Point. Additionally, she can be persuaded by a difficult DC 30 Persuasion check or by trusting Shadowheart to make the choice on her own and then passing a second, less difficult
DC 21 Persuasion check.
If the Nightsong is freed, she thanks the party. If Shadowheart spared her, then she throws the Spear of Night into the abyss of the Shadowfell. However, Dame Aylin grants her a new weapon as thanks - the Moonlight Glaive. Aylin promises to tell Shadowheart more about her history after taking down Thorm. Then, Aylin flies off to face him. After leaving the Shadowfell, Lady Shar subjects Shadowheart to unimaginable torment before sending her back to the mortal realm, and Shadowheart loses her favour. After completing , upon speaking to Dame Aylin in camp, Shadowheart will be rewarded with
Selûne's Spear of Night.
If Shadowheart kills the Nightsong, she becomes the Dark Justiciar and gains the Shar's Spear of Evening. However, the party loses a valuable ally in the Nightsong. There is a major consequence for Last Light Inn due to Shadowheart's actions. Isobel is overwhelmed and unable to sustain her protection magic over the Inn, causing all within to fall to the shadow curse. Shadowheart refers to this as cleansing the resistance to Lady Shar's will. Additionally, unlike instances where Isobel is kidnapped in , Jaheira is nowhere to be found and does not aid the party in the Last Light Inn fight.
Regardless of what Shadowheart's fate is, the result is that Ketheric Thorm must be faced as part of
. This is either mandated by Shar, who sees him as a traitor, or requested by Aylin, who will give her more information on her past if she assists her.Quest Rewards
If Shadowheart kills the Nightsong:
Dark Justiciar Boots
Dark Justiciar Gauntlets (Rare)
Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Very Rare)
Shar's Spear of Evening
If Shadowheart spares the Nightsong:
Moonlight Glaive
Selûne's Spear of Night (granted after completing Infiltrate Moonrise Towers, upon speaking to Dame Aylin in camp)