The Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, are a merchant network and mercenary group. They are led by Pereghost of
The Zhentarim are an unscrupulous mercenary group that cultivates its power through smuggling and backroom deals. They were once part of the cult of Bane. Their leadership was thought destroyed along with their headquarters at Zhentil Keep in 1383 DR, until the rise of
Pereghost led to their resurgence.[1]
“ | Steel ends enemies, but gold makes friends. |
„ |
— Proverb by Manshoon, founder of the Zhentarim |
Act One
Roah Moonglow can be encountered in the Shattered Sanctum within the Goblin Camp. Speaking with her will provide some background information on the shady dealings of the Zhentarim and allow the party to trade with her.
Along the Risen Road, the party can discover a Zhentarim caravan attacked by Gnolls and begin the quest to . This will lead to a cave where Rugan and Olly are attempting to defend themselves from Flind and her pack of Gnolls.
The Zhentarim can also be found in the Zhentarim hideout below Waukeen's Rest. The entrance is guarded by Salazon, who threatens to blow up the player with a large number of Firewine barrels if they don't know the password or pass an ability check. This group of Zhentarim is led by Zarys, and bringing her the unopened
Caravan Strongbox will gain her favor and allow the player to trade with Brem for unique equipment. The party can also bargain with Brem in order to free Oskar Fevras as part of the quest to .
Act Two
If Roah Moonglow and her bodyguards were not killed in Act 1, they can be found in Moonrise Towers, where Roah will have access to new items for sale. Even if the party attacked the Goblin Camp in Act 1, Roah will pretend she's never seen them before. When pressed, she will reveal that she'd rather trade with the party than get on their bad side by revealing this information to the Cult of the Absolute.
The Zhentarim Shipping Crate can be found on the docks next to Moonrise Towers, revealing just how much the Zhentarim are doing to assist the the Absolutists.
Act Three
Several Zhentarim, such as Phase, can be found inside the Guildhall in the Lower City Sewers. They have an uneasy alliance with Nine-Fingers Keene in the face of the threat posed by The Stone Lord.
During the quest to Minsc helping 'Jaheira' bribe the Zhentarim to betray The Guild. If Roah Moonglow is still alive at this point then she will represent the Zhentarim, and if not then Boss Friol will take her place. Once combat begins, either Roah or Friol will attempt to escape with the gold and head to the Guildhall.
, the party will stumble upon a tadpoled and brainwashedReturning to the Guildhall will reveal that the Zhentarim have turned on the Guild and are preparing for battle. If the player did not stop Roah or Friol from fleeing, they will attempt to convince the party to ally with them against the Guild. Helping them overthrow the Guild will make them allies for the Trinoda will take their place and start the takeover, without making any attempts at persuading the party for their aid.
quest. Alternatively, if either of them has been killed and prevented from escaping during the battle against Minsc,Members
Act 1
- Bellar
- Brem (Trader)
- Erna
- Garias
- Jarg
- Karad
- Olly
- Roah Moonglow (Trader)
- Rugan
- Salazon
- Vol
- Yerle
- Zarys
Act 2
- Erna (if still alive)
- Roah Moonglow (Trader) (if still alive)
- Yerle (if still alive)
Act 3
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Fishbait Arno
- Follgast
- Friol (if Roah Moonglow was killed before)
- Gravedigger Karcen
- Lacy Dancer
- Lugarrio
- Phase
- Roah Moonglow (if still alive)
- Slick Inatra
- Trinoda
- Smilin' Ginna
Related Quests
Related Items
Related Literatures
- ↑ The Leadership of the Zhentarim — Iosefa Elgin
External Links
Zhentarim on the Forgotten Realms Wiki