Halsin dislikes any decisions that might involve hurting the natural world or supporting the existence and corruption of the shadow lands.
The actions and choices listed on this page will raise or lower Halsin's Approval.
For more information about the approval system, see Approval.
As a Companion character, the interactions listed below will cause Halsin to gain approval.
Act Two
Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
Shadowed Battlefield
- Tell Oliver you know who he really is
Reithwin Town
Reithwin Tollhouse
The Waning Moon
Moonrise Towers
- Say you wished he joined earlier when asking about what happens after the shadow curse lifted
- Say you are sorry for his loss when asking about his family
- Thank him for sharing with you
- Tell him you are afraid of krakens
- Give the Githyanki reply when asked about yourself
- Say "It hurts, I know it does." when talking to Arabella in camp
- Tell Arabella her parents would be proud of her.
Act Three
Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
- Tell Isobel that you will help Aylin take down Lorroakan
Sharess' Caress
- Invite Halsin to join an orgy with the Drow twins
- Tell Fist Rowan "They're innocent people. You can't just kill them!"
- As a Baldurian, tell Saer Grotpoll that his accent sounds more Rivington than Baldur's Gate
- Break the lock of the displacer beast's cage
- Try to help the Dying Stone Lord Thug
- Give Yenna coins
- Tell Sister Yannis that you will look into the murder
Lower City
- Pay the Captain at the Grey Harbour Docks to keep the Brislen family together
Sorcerous Sundries
- Tell Aradin what the Nightsong really is, then avoid revealing her location (or lie)
As a Companion character, the interactions listed below will cause Halsin to lose approval. This list is most likely incomplete.
Act Two
Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.
- Playing Hide and seek with Oliver
- Free the goblins when Z'rell prompts you to kill them
- When entering Moonrise Towers, tell the guards you infiltrated Last Light
- Call Wulbren a prick when talking to him and Barcus at Last Light Inn
- At camp, when asked if you have anything to share about yourself in return, tell him, "I really don't know very much about myself to tell."
- As the Dark Urge at camp, when asked if you have anything to share about yourself in return, tell him, "Nothing half as charming as that...it's all crimson and rot."
Act Three
Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.