Involvement[edit | edit source]
Gonfalon can be found standing guard just outside the base of the Central Watch Tower in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate.
Combat[edit | edit source]
Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]
Notable loot[edit | edit source]
Idle banter[edit | edit source]
Gonfalon has idle banter with Gauntlet Soapstone:
Fist Gonfalon: Nice day out here. Considering.
- Gauntlet Soapstone: Considering an army of cultists is on its way to cut our throats?
- Fist Gonfalon: Exactly.
- Gauntlet Soapstone: Would you rather be stabbed in the gut or decapitated?
- Fist Gonfalon: Decapitated, hands down. It's quicker. You?
- Gauntlet Soapstone: Same.
- Fist Gonfalon: Decapitated, hands down. It's quicker. You?
- Gauntlet Soapstone: Would you rather be stabbed in the gut or decapitated?
- Fist Gonfalon: Exactly.