Ironfinger can be found being rallied by Kressa Bonedaughter along with her fellow cultists Hairy Henry and Maghtew Budj. On approaching them, Kressa casts Myrkul's Gift, which gives her and the other cultists 10 temporary hitpoints. Ironfinger attacks along with the other followers in the barracks if combat is initiated through dialogue with Kressa or if attacked.
If left alone, she moves to her room in the north-western part of the barracks and begins practicing on a training dummy. She says "The end is coming—do you feel it?" and "We are fortunate to live in the end-times. Pray with me" when spoken to.
Her notes indicate she lives in fear of her leader Kressa, who has become obsessed with tadpole experimentation, and suspects she might one day infect her with one as she sleeps. The two used to practice necromancy on ants back when they were younger.
When you are about to be hit by an enemy, use your Reaction to increase your Armour Class by 5. You also take no damage from Magic Missile. These effects last until the start of your next turn.