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Gerringothe Thorm

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Gerringothe Thorm is a unique intelligent Undead, the toll-master of the Reithwin Tollhouse. Seemingly made of gold, she is driven by endless greed and is relentless in enforcing the toll to cross the river to Moonrise Towers.

Gerringothe's greed isn't limited to just her mannerisms; she also wields powerful abilities which are influenced by the amount of gold a character is carrying. As well, her Visages grant her coin armour, increasing her total hit points.

Portrait Gerringothe Thorm.png
Gerringothe Thorm about everything

Involvement[edit | edit source]

When approached, Gerringothe quickly demands gold from the party. Besides attacking, the party can toss her some gold, though she demands more. When asked for a clear price, she demands all of the party's gold. However, if given anything short of 5,000 gold, Gerringothe claims she was given too little and attacks.

If paid at least 5,000 gold, Gerringothe gives the party the Signed Trade Visa which can be used to cast the unique and powerful one-use spell: Flesh to Gold Flesh to Gold. This peaceful resolution also earns the same experience as if defeating her and all her Visage minions.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

If choosing "I have no more gold" or "I have no more money to give", she starts combat. Otherwise, a variety of Skill Checks can be used to avoid it:

The party can attempt to persuade Gerringothe that gold is not everything:

  • [PERSUASION] Why stay in this rotted building? Take your gold and be free. (DC 18)
  • [MONK] [PERSUASION] The happiness gold grants is temporary at best. Do not let your need for gold trap you here. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [EVIL CLERIC] [PERSUASION] I know lust and avarice when I see it. You'll never be happy, no matter how much gold I give you. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [PERSUASION] Your obsession with gold is hurting you. If you leave this place, maybe you can still be saved. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [WARLOCK] [PERSUASION] Gold is such a limited desire. With the right help, you could become so much more. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
    • [PERSUASION] Gold, indeed - not for the toll, but for yourself. Isn't that right? (DC 21)
    • [INTIMIDATION] It's over. Stand down. Now. (DC 21)
    • [DECEPTION] Requesting more than one toll per traveller is quite illegal, per the relevant statutes. What is your defence? (DC 21)

Rogues get a special dialogue path:

  • [ROGUE] [PERSUASION] The 'toll collector' scam is old and uninspired. Give it a rest - figure out a new trick. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
    • [DECEPTION] Yes, a trick - you're a trickster! You don't deserve the gold! (DC 18)
    • [PERSUASION] Look, I've run this scam myself - I know it's a trick. A basic one at that. (DC 18)
    • [INTIMIDATION] I require passage - or your throat will be cut. (DC 18)

Optionally, the party can attempt to use Deception to convince Gerringothe she has been fired and replaced:

  • [BARD] [DECEPTION] I'm afraid I'm actually your replacement. You've been fired as toll collector - terribly sorry. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [DECEPTION] I'm here to replace you as toll collector. (DC 18)
    • [DECEPTION] You've been promoted! You'll collect gold from a much better tollhouse (DC 21)
    • [PERSUASION] You've done a great job here. Really set the standard. But I'll take it from here. (DC 21)
    • [INTIMIDATION] You dare to question their decision? Leave this place at once! (DC 21)

If the party member is a Paladin or Druid, OR they have found and read Gerringothe's Logbook (located in the basement), they can accuse her of corruption using Intimidation:

  • [PALADIN] [INTIMIDATION] You're an endless pit of avarice. I won't bow to your corrupt demands. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [DRUID] [INTIMIDATION] Enough! You're an embodiment of the curse and its corruption. You get nothing from me. (DC 18 Advantage Icon.png)
  • [INTIMIDATION] You're corrupt. I don't take kindly to such tactics. (DC 18)
    • [PERSUASION] Gold, indeed - not for the toll, but for yourself. Isn't that right? (DC 21)
    • [INTIMIDATION] It's over. Stand down. Now. (DC 21)
    • [DECEPTION] Requesting more than one toll per traveller is quite illegal, per the relevant statutes. What is your defence? (DC 21)

If having no gold at all (because it was stashed away), all available conversation options eventually lead to a fight.

Whichever approach is taken, success leads to her having a moment of clarity before stating she will "pay it back". Then she seemingly kills herself. This (relatively) peaceful resolution earns the same experience as if defeating her and all her Visage minions, as well as the full amount of gold magically bound to her.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Loot[edit | edit source]

  • Twist of Fortune
  • 600 Gold dropped near her, if defeated through skill checks. Otherwise a stack of 100 drops each time a layer of her armour is removed,[1] up to six times.
  • If paid earlier, she also drops the amount given.

Related literature[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. If engaged in combat, Gerringoth may use Combustible Coins Combustible Coins on her 100 gold drops, destroying them in the process.