Baldur's Gate
During Act Three, Darbonna can be found at the very end of the bridge leading through Baldur's Gate[note 1], watching over the queue of residents trying to make their way into the Upper City. As she received orders to not let anyone into the Upper City, she and Mibbs are seen holding the line up, preventing any further entries.
Should the party somehow make it to the end of the bridge and enact dialogue with Darbonna[note 2], she will personally tell the party that she does not know why they are permitted to go through, but will nonetheless tell them to go on[1][2]. Similarly, if approached with Mibbs nearby[note 3], the two of them will engage the party in dialogue, welcoming the party into the Upper City[3]; the Emperor will interject, mentioning that the party is being fooled and urging them to turn back at once. Passing a DC 15 Insight check will reveal that Mibbs' behaviour is not his own, and is in fact being controlled[4].
Once all Netherstones are acquired by the party, and should they return to Baldur's Gate, three infected refugees by the queue will proceed to transform into Mind Flayers and attack the nearby party. Darbonna will be , but will nevertheless fight alongside the party. Once the Mind Flayers are dead, she and all the Fists around will run away to warn their superiors, before completely vanishing from the game once far enough.
Attacks and abilities
- ↑ The gate proper, not the city.
- ↑ It is practically impossible to do so, as going on the bridge will have the Netherbrain attempt to take over the party's mind, and potentially cause a game over screen.
- ↑ This is likewise practically impossible to do so.
- The implications behind Mibbs' and Darbonna's actions is that they are being possibly mind-controlled by the Netherbrain, the latter of whom is trying to lure the party into the Upper City, so it can overwhelm the Emperor's defences and force the party's transformation.
- ↑ "Dunno why you get to skip the line but go on, then." - Darbonna
- ↑ "Look, I really don't care - just get moving." - Darbonna
- ↑ Dialogue with Mibbs, and The Emperor, to the party:
"You! Get back in line!" - Darbonna
"Hold up - this one has special dispensation. Welcome to the Upper City, citizen." - Mibbs
"Do not be fooled. We are not welcome here." - The Emperor - ↑ *There's something strange about this Flaming Fist's demeanour - almost as if his will is not his own.* - Narrator